Chapter 3

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Plan A: Convince him that you aren't a secret agent.

Plan B: How the fuck am I supposed to convince him when he already knows?

Hongjoong laughs and shakes his head, running his fingers through his blue hair. "I know you work for C. B.I. Seonghwa. Your friend, San, too."

"And how's that going to help you?"

"You want information right?"

"Continue like this and I'll walk out," Seonghwa threatens, eyes dark and posture tense.

Hongjoong simply stares at him and then laughs, again, clutching his head between his laughs. "Be my guest."

Having enough of Hongjoong's shit Seonghwa stands up and walks out, keeping his gun close and walking out of the mansion.

He definitely noticed the men following him.

Quickly forming a plan in his head he walks into a convience store and starts looking at the aisles, he picks up a few items and goes to the register, paying for the items (and putting them in a plastic bag) and walking out of the store to his and San's apartment.

He hurriedly walks inside, throwing the plastic bag on the kitchen counter and looking for the younger Alpha.

"San? San!? San!" The younger isn't in his room, nor the bathroom, nor in Seonghwa's room either. He looks around the apartment once again, finding a trail of blood in the kitchen.

He notices a sticky note on the fridge and pulls it off.

Got your boy toy Seonghwa.
Come and save him.
No promises that he'll be alive though ;)

- HJ (1107)

"Fucking asshole." Roughly throwing the paper on the ground Seonghwa starts cleaning the apartment out of anger, forming a plan in his head while he does do.


2 months.

2 months and Seonghwa still can't find San. And yet, he knows Hongjoong has him.

Does Wooyoung know then? Is he part of it as well?

A knock on the door startles him out of his thoughts, he gets up from the couch and goes to the door.

He definitely did not expect Wooyoung on his doorstep.


"Can I please come in?" Wooyoung pleads, his smaller frame shaking like a leaf.

Seonghwa nods and pulls him in the apartment, closing and locking the door behind them and leading him to the living room. He lets Wooyoung sit down, filling a glass with water and urging the younger to drink it. Wooyoung accepts it and drinks the water, taking small sips.

"What happened? You're shaking like a leaf."

Wooyoung sets the glass on the coffee table, pulling something out of his jacket.

A..... Pregnancy stick?


"I'm pregnant and the father of my child is nowhere to be found."

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