Chapter 8

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"Hey Joong,"


"I love you."

"I love you too you cheesy fucker."

They both laugh as Hansol coos in Hongjoong's arms, the now 6 month old baby happily snuggled in the Omegas chest.

Wooyoung and San were called in by Eden, the two mates deciding to leaving Hansol in their arms until they sort out everything. Hongjoong gently bounces Hansol in his arms, the baby giggling and cooing.

Laughing Hongjoong lays him down gently on the couch and tickles his foot, happily watching as the baby giggles and moves his foot away, chubby hands formed in a fist.

"Hannie~" Wooyoung's voice rings behind Hongjoong, the younger male now joined by San next to him. Seonghwa takes Hansol from his lover and gives him to Wooyoung, happily watching as the Omega smiles widely and coos at his son.

Hansol looks at his mother and coos, snuggling his head into his chest and closing his eyes, letting his tiny body rest. Wooyoung just smiles at him and kisses his head softly, saying goodbye to Seonghwa and Hongjoong and leaving with San.

The Alpha lets him in the car first, closing the door behind him and going around to his side, getting in the car, starting the engine and driving back to their house. After a bit they both arrive, walking inside the warm and cozy penthouse and going upstairs to Hansol's room. Wooyoung gently lays the sleeping baby down in his crib, pulling the blanket over him and stroking his chubby cheek.

San hugs him from behind, resting his chin on Wooyoung's shoulder and watching softly. Wooyoung turns his head around and looks at San, pecking his cheek softly.

"I love you,"

"I love you too Youngie."

Wooyoung joins San a few minutes later in their bed, snuggling close to his mate and husband. San's muscular arms wrap around his smaller frame, kissing the crown of his head softly and keeping him close.

"Everything still feels so unreal,"

"Yeah, it does."

Wooyoung yawns and shakes his head, snuggling closer and closing his eyes, tiredness sipping into his bone. San's fingers gently run through his hair, the motions making him sleepy.

"I love you, Young-ah."

"—ve you too."

And they fall asleep.


"Hey, Joong?"


"I love you."

"That's the 25th time today...."


"I love you too, my pouty baby."

F I N.

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