Chapter 5

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How did Seonghwa exactly got here? Having Hongjoong in front of him and the Omega handcuffed to the table?

Well, let me tell you.

"Seonghwa, we must find Hongjoong."

"I know Eden."

Seonghwa sighs tiredly, closing the files on his desk and rubbing his temples. Suddenly he gets up from his chair, taking his jacket and gun and practically running out of the building. Eden lets him go, already having a gut feeling that Seonghwa knows what he's doing.

Seonghwa arrives at his desired destination in no time, walking out of the car and storming inside the mansion. He passes by the guards and walks inside Hongjoong's office, catching the male in surprise and slamming him hard against his desk.

"Why? Why?! Why did you do it!?" Seonghwa glares at him angrily, his nails digging painfully into Hongjoong's throat drawing blood.

Hongjoong weakly grips his wrists, lifting his head up and almost choking on his own blood. Seonghwa harshly takes him again, storming into what he assumes is Hongjoong's bedroom and throwing him on the bed like a rag doll.

"Seonghwa let me explain!"

"I don't have time to let you explain Hongjoong." Seonghwa spats out.

Seonghwa then cages him in with his forearms, stating into his eyes with so much anger and.... disgust?

Of course he would. Hongjoong bitterly chuckles at the thought, letting the older male undress him and prep him open.

Hongjoong knows Seonghwa won't listen to him until he calms down so he brings the older closer and smashes his mouth on his, gripping his hair tightly and pulling on it.

Seonghwa whimpers in his mouth, indicating that he calmed down and is in proper state of mind.

Hongjoong pulls back, licking his lips and tasting blood. "You can fuck me but please be in right state of mind." Seonghwa seems to understand him, nodding his head and pushing inside, both groaning as it had been  a while (3 months).

Seonghwa pulls him closer then, smashing their mouths again and thrusting forward. Hongjoong moans loudly, feeling the olders thrusts getting rougher and rougher.

"Fuck, gonna knot you and remind you of your place."

Hongjoong mewls, clawing at Seonghwa's back creating deep red lines and drawing blood. Seonghwa ignores it, deciding to literally fuck Hongjoong into the bed.

Hongjoong soon comes done, mewling loudly as he he calms down, his chest going up and down. Seonghwa thrusts a few more times and comes inside Hongjoong, his knot locking them together.

As much as he wants to pull out he can't and he won't so to not risk hurting Hongjoong he lays down on his back, pulling him on top and keeping him close.

Hongjoong is still panting on top of him, catching his breath and wiping the sweat out off his hair. Seonghwa may hate the man but he won't hurt him, knowing the punishment if he does do.

So instead of pushing him away he brings him impossibly closer, kissing his forehead softly and rubbing his back gently. Hongjoong shivers in his arms, snuggling into his chest and closing his eyes, letting himself fall asleep.

And that's how Hongjoong found himself once he woke up, cleaned, dressed and handcuffed to a fucking table. He pulls on them as hard as he can, wincing as the metal digs into his skin. He pulls again but harsher, letting out a yelp as the skin breaks and blood starts flowing.

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