4. Difference in behaviour?!

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******* After few weeks *******

It was examination time. I got up early and after taking a shower packed up my things and rushed to College after eating partial breakfast.


(At College)

It was around 9:00 am and we were having about 1hr of time to revise everything for our finance paper. As it was my favorite subject in all sides; I love finance because it's easy and we don't have to writes answers in pages and 2ndly my favorite professor was teaching it. Time elapsed quickly and we approached towards our seats in respective classes.
Students adjusted themselves and with a thud sound of door, our supervisor entered in class carrying stack of papers. Mrs. Roma Sen. She is a 39 yrs old lady, who always have an angry, stirn look on her face. She's very sharp in pointing at students, which is why she's always found engaged with students scolding or taunting them with whatever things they does whether it's bothering or not her. It's like she loves to poke her nose in other's matters.

It was 10:00 am, we started writing paper after being instructed to do so. Around 15 minutes were passed and the only sound I could hear was of the wind and supervisor's footsteps.

I was writing my answers calmly when suddenly a shadow fell on my paper and I felt someone was standing beside me leaning on top my head, "Any doubts Sanya?" A deep, soft male voice fell on my ears.

It was Mr. Aman besides me. I just said 'No' in non-verbal manner as talking was prohibited for us in class. And with my corner eye, I looked at Mrs. Roma. She was looking at Professor and me with a suspicious look, which made me little un easy. As this was not an appropriate way according to her, where Professor goes close to a student and talk softly about paper while writing it, him being the Finance professor. Professor waited at my seat for about 2-3 minutes taking a glance on my answers and then left the class. I sighed with relief and continued writing paper.

In the meantime I was also keeping an eye on Mrs. Roma so as to know what she'll say to me after all this.


After 2 hrs. We finally walked out of the class and as my seat number was the last one this class, I left the class at the last.

In my heart I was praying that Mrs. Roma should not call me to stay back and ask about that. So, I carefully nudged her eyesight and was trying to slid out of class when suddenly she called my name,

"Ms. Sanya, wait! I want to ask you something." My heartbeat started racing like an engine.

I turned to her and slowly approached towards the table, "Yes ma'am.."

She stared at me while adjusting her glasses and asked, "what was happening there?" I froze there.

Though I knew what she was asking about but I showed as if I have no idea what she is asking, "W..what Ma'am and where..." she interrupted me immediately and cutting my reply said, "don't act innocent Ms. I saw how Professor Aman was having conversation with you while writing paper, and what was he asking you about at this time leaning over like that?"

With this question of hers fear started building in my mind and my lips started to fumble. Still I replied to her in a shaky voice, "ma'am he was asking me, If I had any doubts in his paper." She again replied.

"hmm.. okay. You may leave. I'm running out of time."

I sighed with a slight smile on my lips. I knew that she found something different in Professor Aman's behavior towards me in class, but she didn't said anything directly. The day ended as usual.


I hope I'm able to keep you'll engaged in story. Please comment if you like it.

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