5. Meeting Professor

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**** After few weeks ****

It was our first Parent teacher Meet which is held once in every year. All students were asked to call either of their parent or guardian. In my case most of the times my Dad accompanies me for all formal meetings regarding academics. Therefore here also I took my dad with me.

We were instructed prior that each class will gather in a large class where student and their parent/guardian will be seating together. So, me and my other classmates went to the dedicated classes and took seat. After moments Principal, our Course coordinator and my class mentor Mr. Aman entered the class other professors followed them.

For about initial 1 hour it was the introductory session, where each staff member introduced themselves to the parents of students starting with Principal and each subject teacher. After this our result for 1st ever examination was to be announced to us. So we took a break of 20 minutes and then returned back to class.
Students were asked to come and collect result according to their seat numbers along with their parent. Students were asked to sit infront of class mentor and have short discussion regarding result and then leave for home, no classes for the day. Mine seat number was 11 so accordingly I got up and followed my dad towards Aman Sir for taking result. Dad and Professor did their guy's handshake "Good morning Sir" Mr. Aman said to my dad and in response dad also replied "Good morning Professor" and exchanged a warm smile, I also greeted Professor with "Good Morning Sir" and he replied back and instructed me with hand gesture to sit as he took out my result sheet. Dad knew I'll get good marks so he was relaxed and seating there just to listen to what my professor has to say about me..as in his Daughter.

Professor looked at me and then shifted his gaze towards dad "Sanya is an excellent student, she has topped almost all the subjects..." then looking at me "keep it up Sanya" I said "Sure sir.." then Professor continued to talk to my dad "She is the most disciplined student in my class, she never have any complaints and is always regular in class, it's good" he said as he gazed on my result sheet and dad simultaneously. I can see dad was smiling internally being super proud of his daughter "yes that's she is! My girl always makes me proud" dad said happily to Professor "I am sure, She'll make everyone proud one day" Professor said reassuring dad and gazed at me and then to Dad. He handed me the result sheet "Take this." I took it and got up from seat "Thank you Sir." And we came out of the class.


While driving back to home, Dad suddenly smiled "Sanya, your Professor is really sweet and gentleman" he looked at me and then again to road. I said agreeing to him while looking out of the window, "Yes he is Dad" emphasizing specially on 'He is' , then he became little bit serious but emotional "I will find you similar kind of Guy who would marry my Sweetheart daughter, take care of you like me, he has all those qualities in him isn't it?!" He said caressing his hands over my head. I just replied "Hmm..." and we were already infront of our house. Dad stopped the car in parking space.

We got out of car and entered my house, Dad like an excited child called mom and my elder brother and announced my result to them "See, my daughter has again begged 1st rank in her college, despite this course was fully new for her! I'm proud of you my child."

I smiled there standing. My brother congratulated me and promised me go to have treat in the evening. "I'll pick you up at 7pm okay" he informed and left for his work, today it was half time for him so he was leaving at around 1 PM from house to his job.

What happens when they leave for having a treat will be in next update.


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