8. Nature Trek - II

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After keeping the attendance sheet in my bag. I was again busy in admiring the beauty of nature from the window, currently we were passing by valleys, mountains were half covered with clouds at the tops, and on ground it was lushy green grass which was dancing on the waves of wind, birds were flying with joy, chirping aloud. It was a marvelous scene to watch. This has genuinely brought a big smile on my face. I just for an instance turned towards Professor.

I saw him. He was smiling admiring me with his hypnotic eyes, which were sending me chills, placing his left hand under his chin. He was looking so cute and sweet at that time. He was totally opposite of the personality which he has created in college that is of being a strict, rude professor. I immediately stopped smiling in an embarrassment-cum-awkward manner when our eyes met and he also stopped smiling. I gave him a look 'what?? Why you are smiling looking at me like this?' I didn't said it loud but in my mind. He immediately replied "your smile is sweet. You look more beautiful when you smile" as if he heard what I was saying. 'Ohh God..' I thought in my mind. My cheeks were reddened with his compliment. I tried to hide it but I guess my face revealed everything! I shifted my gaze towards window again breaking the eye contact with him, it was making me so uneasy after hearing him. "Hmmm.." I just smiled and said "Thanks" to him.

After few moments he again tried to start conversation with me "Ummm... can I ask you something?" He asked in a soft voice which was audible enough for both of us. We were able to talk freely because ours was the very first seat after bus driver, no seats were aligning with it. So no much chances of others spotting us talking like this. I turned towards him, "answer only if you are comfortable in replying to it, it's ok if you don't answer" he spoke without giving me chance to speak anything. I nodded "yes. I'll tell if I can " I said the latter in a little sad way.

"Sanya, I have noticed you since your joining here. Most of the time you are lost in your thoughts, sitting idle, not interacting with much of your classmates. Is there something wrong with you? Or did anyone say anything to you?" He asked me in a soft husky voice, which was full of care and possessive. I felt as if he wants to solve all my problems in a shot. "Mm..m... no, nothing. No problem sir, I'm fine. Everything is fine. No one said anything wrong to me" I replied in a soft, stuttering voice which was totally filled with grief and pain. I felt like my eyes were about to fill with tears and if I continue looking into his eyes, the very next second I'll burst in tears infront of him, which I didn't wanted to do.

So I tried to nudge the question "Sir, this view is so mesmerizing na... I can feel the cool breeze on my face, this greenish valleys are so amazing." I said in a soothing voice describing every single thing about nature infront of my eyes, emphasizing on few words. He reassured it with his damn sweet smile and he also joined me in admiring the beauty outside the window. We shared so many talks, laughs, giggles till we were finally at the spot.

Our conversations were so engaging that we didn't even realised it until someone from behind called out Professor to head down the students from bus. He smiled, got up from his seat and started to instruct students again, which was his responsibility! But, Some stupid boys seating at last seats were still making noise and blatantly ignoring what sir was telling. Don't know why but, I was so angry on them for not obeying to Professor's instructions. Finally all were down from bus and moving towards the spot; waterfall. "We have to walk, climb for about 1 hr to reach the point on top of this huge mountain, so if you'll want to go to restrooms and all, then finish it here only. Cause there are no stops in between, it's a forest area. You'll get only trees there" Professor Aman and Professor Roma instructed us emphasizing mostly on last part.


We started walking towards the mountain. It was really a huge mountain every inch of it was covered in greenery. We were told to be in small groups with our friends, so that we don't get lost in forest. all did the same as told. Students diverged into small groups of 2,3 and started walking. I had only Neha as my friend currently. She was with me but, she and Sam were walking with holding each others hand totally immersed in love. I smiled internally and moved little away from them. I didn't wanted to disturb them, so I kept walking at some distance from them. We were probably at the last to climb in our class, most were leading as they knew about this place earlier, I was just following them. From a distant, I saw Professor Aman was walking towards us at the end of the class. I was little confused about it thinking 'why he is coming here' he then announced "Professor Roma will be at the start of our class and I'll be at the end" I.e. with us at last so to protect us from all uncertainties. "Okay sir! Let's go then!!" A chorus answer came from all students. We started to walk. Sir was walking close to me, sometimes I felt like he purposely chose to be near us. And because he had came at end, Neha and Sam were not comfortable so they moved little forward, so professors can't see them. Now I was alone walking at the end with sir. He came closer to me and we started our casual conversation, otherwise it was do boring and dull to walk numb. He was very friendly while talking to me.

Professor Aman's PoV:

I sensed something was troubling her and she was tensed. So, I decided to be at the end and talk to her, in case if she feels me safe in conversing, she might share her problem with me. She was not the true person which she was portraying herself as of now. She have so many other facets of life which are hidden because of some fear. I had sensed this when she was talking with me in bus. She is hurt from inside, she needs someone to talk, to make her smile, to feel her protected. I don't know why I'm feeling so attached to her. I want to help her genuinely, I want to make her feel safe around me. I want to see her smile the way she smiled when she saw nature. Anyways I'll try my best to bring out the 'real Sanya' which is hiding behind her silent and quiet face.


Will Professor Aman be able to know Sanya in a much better way?

Let's see in next update.

Thank you!

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