7. Nature Trek - I

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It was around September. Rains were scattered a little and winter was about to turn up within months.

An annoying sound made me to wake up. "Ahh! Stop it! I'm awake" I extended my hand and tried to stop the alarm clock. It stopped ringing after few moments. I got up, it was a nice day. I was able to cherish the yummilicious fragrance coming from kitchen, my mom had prepared Fried Rice and prawn chilli. I freshened up and went downstairs. I greeted all "Good morning" while adjusting my chair on dining table. They also greeted me in response.

After breakfast, I quickly turned towards my room and got ready to go for college. I went to college as usual and lectures started. Three lectures were already over and 4th was about to start. Mrs. Roma entered the class for taking her lecture. As always she had that angry face expression, those striking eyes scrutinizing students. After greetings she started with her lecture of environmental studies. After about 20 minutes, someone knocked on the door. Door was away from my eyes so I couldn't look who it was. Ma'am took a sheet from that person, "students, you have got a notice." She announced as she was adjusting her glasses to read the notice. All were keen to know what notice was all about. She started. The notice read;

" This is to inform all the students and faculty that our Annual Nature trek will be held on 30th of September on Friday. All are requested to take note of the same. Interested students should give their names to their respective class mentors. And for any other information kindly contact your mentors."

She signed and returned it to that person. Neha was too excited for it, she instantly squealed by giving me a big smile. All students started to Express the happiness for going on trek. Ma'am controlled the class and again started with her lecture. I was seeing the excitement on students' faces but they were portraying as if they are listening to the lecture.

Finally, the bell rang. All walked out of the class, planning from now onwards what will they do on trek. It was just a week away from today.

******* Next day *******

We all were seated in class to attend the lectures for the day. I saw Mr. Aman entered the class while adjusting the stuff he was carrying with him that was his laptop, some books and some sheets. He kept it on a table and turned towards class. "Good morning class." He greeted. We greeted as well. He then asked us to submit our names for the trek and gave us deadline till day-after-tomorrow to make any changes in the namelists. As we were the first years, all students from class were coming. The list was submitted in office by sir after confirming from all of us the next day.


Thursday, (one day before trek)
I was excited to go on trek, cause it was my first time in life with friends/classmates whom I know very little about except Neha. My family provided me with all the necessary things and food and I was fully ready. My bro was too much excited more than what I was. I went to bed early at around 9 PM so I'll be able to wake up early tomorrow. Suddenly I heard someone sneaking in my room. I turned on the lights. As expected it was bro. He sat besides me and he started giving his instructions; "be careful with waterfall, don't roam here and there alone, don't lose your mobile, don't get wet in rain or you'll get cold next day..." I interrupted him "yeah I know.." I adjusted my self and kept my head on pillow to go to sleep. He put a blanket over me and caressed his hands over my head "Take care my princess. Good night. Have fun tomorrow" he left closing the door slowly.

******** The trek day *******

I got up at 7 am in morning and did my breakfast, I kept it light cause we were about to travel a long about 4 hrs to reach the spot. I ran to my room and opened my closet. I took out a black Jeans and a purple Top. It was a simple attire which more of a comfortable one for travelling long distance. And did my hair in a ponytail. I was ready to leave for trek.

Firstly, we had to go to college ground and then from there, bus was about to pick up. I reached the ground, I looked and searched for Neha. There she was. She was with her Boyfriend Sameer (Sam) he was in one class senior to us I.e. second year student. As from second and third years' not much students were coming to trek, only 7 of them were there. So, college allowed them to join in the same bus as of us. There were total 3 buses; one for Our stream FY students (including 7 SY and TY students), second for B.Com stream and 3rd for B.SC stream.

It was almost 9:00 am, we will be leaving at 9:30 am from college to Spot. Principal addressed us regarding Do's and don'ts and asked us to board our respective buses. As Neha had to buy something from canteen, we were the last one to climb on bus and all back side seats were occupied. Few seats were empty at front. I had thought I will be seating with Neha but as Sam had also joined us. I didn't wanted to interrupt them so, I said it's okay with me if she sat with Sam. Phew! Now I had to sit with a stranger on this bus for a long time. I seated on the first seat after the driver seat. Driver's seat and next seat was however partitioned with a glass sheets. It was 9:25 am, and I was seating there alone as of now. I was looking out of the window which is my favorite thing to do while travelling. I heard that now professors will join us shortly and we'll be off to trek location. I felt someone was standing near my seat. I glanced up, it was Professor Aman, "Hey, can I sit here?" He asked more in a statement form not as a question. I was little nervous, because it would be little awkward for me to travel so long sitting beside my professor. I didn't wanted to sound rude, so I nodded " yes sure Sir. You can sit here" I said in a soft voice, which was audible to him probably. I'm not sure if he heard it or not. He sensed this awkwardness and tried to explain me "all the seats were already full. I guess I was too late he smiled" he shrugged and looked at me and then immediately shifted to other side. Today he was wearing casuals a grey T-Shirt and a black jeans. And honestly he was looking so handsome and attractive in it, his eyes as always holds power to hypnotize any girl. And not to forget that smile of him his worthy to die for. And I had realised after studying his behavior from others and gossips that, you have to be special person to get that smile from him! And now I was getting butterflies in stomach thinking all this nonsense things. 'He's your Professor silly Girl!' My inner self screamed at me.

It was 9:30 am, as he was our class mentor as well he needs to guide all. He was about to take attendance but his phone ringed, it was from principal I guess. So, handed me that sheet and asked me to take attendance and he got up from seat to give me way out from seat and stand in between the bus space to take attendance. I got up and stood there calling out roll numbers of each person and then marking them on sheet. Marking was half done and he ended his call and he turned from bus door steps and approached towards me and stood behind me keeping an appropriate distance from me ofcourse, so no miscellaneous comments will be passed. Maybe he knew what type of few guys are present on bus. It was little tough for me to control the students as they were purposely making more and more noise to irritate me. I had reached at 15 number till now. He observed this and cleared his throat, "Quiet everyone! Please answer your roll calls as she calls your numbers otherwise, you'll are well aware what actions will be taken against you!" He commanded strictly. There was silence everywhere in the bus. "You continue" he said softly to me. I continued my thing and marked all numbers "Sir.." I called him handing him the sheet. "Thank you" he said. I returned to my seat and sat. He also told driver to start the bus and came and sat next to me.
"Sanya, do one thing. Keep this sheet with you all the time . I trust you, that's why I'm giving you this responsibility to handle it. Return it to me when I ask" he instructed me. "Okay sir. I'll keep it with me." I took that sheet and kept in my bag.


Enough for the day I think.
I'll continue further story in next update ;)
Stay tuned.

Something unexpected is on it's way...

Thank you🦋

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