Chapter 4: The Betrothal Ball

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Rigel POV

I tried tying my tie as I looked at myself in the mirror good enough I think as I start heading off to check on the preparations of the ball.

When I go to the ball room I see my Mother and Father already there "Mother, Father I did not expect you two being here"I state "oh well me and your father just wanted to check out on everything"Mother said "well ok I'm guessing the guest will be coming soon" I asked "yes I suppose the first guest will coming in a hour"Mother answered I nodded my head and went to my room as it seemed checking in the decorations wasn't an issue anymore.

Y/n's POV

I was finishing my makeup as I put my pink lipstick 👄💋💄on (sorry just wanted to put some emojis in)

I looked at myself In the mirror I then put my ring on it was a ring that meant we were betrothed although I was told that when I married Rigel I would have to wear a chocker with a jewel in it to signify our marriage as even Queen Star wore it.

I sigh "perfect"I mumbled as I walked down the stairs of our house I saw my mom and dad already there the looked at me huge smiles in their faces.

Mom had her Blue dress that I picked up for her she was wearing natural makeup actually from afar you wouldn't even think she was wearing makeup.

Dad was wearing his normal tuxito with a red tie.

I smiled and grabbed our dimension scissors I think that's what they called them either way I picked them up and gave them to dad as he was the one who always used them I mean one time he used them to get me in time for school for peaches sake.

He started cutting the air and soon enough there was a portal mom and dad started to go in and lastly I went in.

(Ok I know this has nothing to do with the story but did anyone just want to go into the portal and see or feel how it felt!?)

When I got out of the what ever that was I saw that there was a castle in front of me and two guards dad stated simply "we are the Diaz family here is our invitation"Dad handed them the invitation and they opened the gates.

Once we got to the ball room ok the only thing you have to do is talk to him get a conversation going I looked down at the floor and started fiddling with my fingers.

Once we walked into the room all eyes where on us mostly me I smiled as we walked all the way to the thrones where queen and king Star and Tom where and Prince Rigel.

Once we went close to them they stood up and walked over Queen star hugged Mom and dad while King Tom shook their hands while me and Prince Rigel stared at each other.

I holded my breath and said "hillo Rigel"as I put my hand out for him to shake he took my hand and shook it very hard.

"Um Hillo?"he said in a questioning voice I smirked "Hillo you know? Hi and Hello mixed together"I said he is face had an Ohh I chuckled "so how has it been lately?"I asked.

How has it been really y/n!?

"Oh um ok I guess lots of Mewni work what about you?" he asked there sure was tension in the air and not just because mom and queen star where staring at us.

"Oh fine ugh I'm having prom soon so that's something to look up to"I answered just then someone came up to me and shook my hand I tried my best to smile Ben through my confusion.

Suddenly he was congratulating me "congratulations Mrs.Diaz" I stepped back in shock "congratulations for wha?"I asked the man looked at me in shock "well for your anniversary of your betrothal"he stared I looked at the man in shock "the anniversary of my what now!?"I asked.

Just then Rigel separated me and the man and bowed to him "your support is very much appreciated"Rigel said "now now your majesty no need to bow I'm just simply showing my support to my future Queen and King"the man said and walked away.

"What is going on?"I asked as I looked at Rigel "well you see..."Rigel started.

After that he explained how this was our ball and our betrothal ball and today was the anniversary of when our betrothal became Official.

After that Rigel and me had a few chats here and there nothing too conversationy to my sadness.

Though my parents both agreed to stay here for a few more time so I will have more opportunities.
Sorry guys this was rushed I just didn't have any ideas and I felt like I haven't updated in a while so hope you enjoyed.

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