Chapter 26: A spell

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(WARNING lots of the things in the rest of the wattpad book is going to have a lot of violence scenes and mention of kidnapping so if this is a sensitive topic for you please exit now)Merry Christmas

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(WARNING lots of the things in the rest of the wattpad book is going to have a lot of violence scenes and mention of kidnapping so if this is a sensitive topic for you please exit now)
Merry Christmas.
The present:
The ball had ended, it was the next day, and everyone in the castle where worried, and searching for her, including me.

I was partnered with Rigel to find clues about who could've kidnapped y/n.

It was also for if the kidnapper was still here and was picking off the royal family one by one they would come for Rigel next as he was alone only with a trainee magic user, as I look weaker then I actually am.

Of course you might be thinking what about Ami well she would be with queen Star and king Tom so they wouldn't dare come after her.

"What are the chances we'd end up in the same duo-group thingy"Rigel said as we tried to look for clues "very actually"I answered.

I was Looking at the ground trying to see any thing suspicious, When a red head capture's my eyes he was going to y/n's room.

Now why would he go in there he was not given permission nor does he have reason to go in there.

"I'm going to go check something out"I told Rigel "should I go with you!"Rigel asked "no I'll be gone for a few seconds no kidnapper is going to come that quickly"I told him.

I walked over to James, "James what are you doing walking to y/n's room?"I asked with a fake sweet voice.

"Oh um going to see if there were any clues in y/n's room"he answered "why would there be anything in y/n's room she wouldn't have been kidnapped in her own room"I asked he quickly looked at the door of her room then me "well you see there isn't anything saying she wouldn't be kidnapped in her own room"he answered.

Why would she have a reason to go to her room? "Well as thought full as that was James instead of going on your own you should have talked to queen Star or king Tom heck maybe even y/n's parent Marco and Jackie Diaz"I advised, he smiled nervously "w-well what are you saying?"he asked "I'm saying I should check"I told him.

He nodded and ran off I went inside her room.

It still had not been cleaned nobody saw the use of it as y/n wasn't going to be here, so everything had been left where she left it, clothes where on the floor her makeup still on the vanity, and hair products on her desk she left the book she had been reading on her bed.

History of mewni it read I turned to the page she had left off and took the bookmark the chapter she had been reading was Queen Eclipsa.

My eyes widened as I got an idea Eclipsa's spying spell.

I ran out the door to Rigel "Rigel where's Your spell book?"I asked, he turned to me in Confusion "in my room, why?"he asked "just follow me"I said as I pulled on his hand, and dragged him to where the queen and king were.

Stars POV
"Momma why is y/n so important, why is it important that she went missing?"asked Ami, I turned to her frowning "Ami what has gotten into you we shouldn't talk like that about y/n, don't be so rude!"I scolded Ami, she frowned and crossed her arms.

I sighed, why does Ami hate y/n?

Just then Ari came running while dragging Rigel behind her.

"ARI"Ami screamed excitedly, she ran up to Ari and hugged her legs "Did you need something Ari?"I asked she turned to me and said "I found a way to see where y/n might be!".

We quickly followed Ari to Rigel's room.

She grabbed the Magic spell book and opened it, Glossaryck came out "open Queen Eclipsa's chapter"ordered Ari.

Glossaryck looked at me to see if he should do her command, I nodded, I trust that Ari knows what she's doing.

He flipped the pages to Eclipsa's chapter, before he unlocked it he turned to us and asked "are you sure?" "Yes"answered Ari.

Once The chapter was opened she flipped through the pages until she found the spell she wanted.

I looked over her shoulder to see what chapter she was looking at how The all seeing eye did I not think about that?

Ari didn't need a wand unlike Rigel, she used her hands to cast the spell.

She raised her hands and said the spell "I summon the All-Seeing Eye to tear a hole into the sky. Reveal to me that which is hidden. Unveil to me what is forbidden"her hair started rising, her eyes glowed and suddenly a purple oval started to form.

Ari growned, the all seeing eye is a hard spell it takes complete concentration plus it's a hard spell to master the spell.

I turned to Rigel and saw his worried face. I do wonder if it's from y/n's kidnapping or Ari doing the spell.

Just then we saw a darkly light room with a h/c haired girl the girl looks familiar wait it's y/n!

"Y/n!"Jackie screamed tears left her eyes "she can't hear you"I said, "we have to find clues quick I don't think I can hold on to the spell for much longer"Ari informed.

I walked upfront to the spell and started pushing towards it (you know like how she did when glossaryck got kidnapped by Ludo) "What are you doing mother?"asked Rigel, "Rigel she knows what she is doing"said Marco, I pushed harder "g-guys might want to hurry up!"Ari warned, Suddenly we heard a noise from the place she was in "is someone else in there!?"a voice called.

The oval started to close up "Ari hold on for a little more"urged Rigel "you try holding on for this long!"argued Ari.

I took my hand off the oval "at least we know how the room looks like"I said as the oval slowly disappeared.

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