Chapter 12:A new person

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I opened my eyes slowly I groaned a bit then I realized where I was in my room the castle

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I opened my eyes slowly I groaned a bit then I realized where I was in my room the castle.

How did I get here? "The prince carried you here"A voice said "w-what!"I stuttered say I turned to the voice it was James "prince Rigel carried you to the castle"he repeated.

"O-oh"I said he gave me my clothes and pushed me to the bathroom"w-woah why the rush?"I asked as he closes the door "you have been given the thing to do by the queen"James explains "you mean I get to do Princess duties!?"I asked as I put on the dress "that is exactly what I mean your majesty"James said "Don't call me that James"I said.

He nodded his head as I open the door I had my hair down in a curly style.

(The dress)

"I'm ready to go"I said he nodded his head and we walked to the dinning room once we were in there I smiled as big as I physically could as I sat down next to Rigel

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"I'm ready to go"I said he nodded his head and we walked to the dinning room once we were in there I smiled as big as I physically could as I sat down next to Rigel.

"What's got you so excited?"asked Rigel whispering so no one would hear but me "I am finally doing princess duties"I whispered back Rigel's smile faded away "aw really shame"he he whispered "what's wrong?"I asked quietly "you have to do hard work now it sucks"Rigel whispered to me.

"What are you two whispering about?"asked Dad I turned to him and said "nothing"he looked confused probably wondering why I am keeping a secret from him then Queen Star spoke up "oh you two must be talking about the work y/n is going to do"Dad turned to Queen Star "what kind of work"Asked Dad "Princess work to prepare her for when she becomes Queen"Queen Star explained.

"Star-"Dad was cut off by mom "That's great she finally gets to experience the delights of ruling"I looked at mom as she put on her infamous smile.

"I agree with mom I get to experience being a princess, Queen I don't know"I told them Rigel nodded In agreement "so what are we going to eat for breakfast?"I asked to break the tension.

Queen Star turned to me and smiled "The chef is a little late with breakfast but he has informed me that we will be having pancakes with yogurt strawberries and blueberries"answered Queen star "perfect breakfast to start your princess day"Rigel said I chuckled at his words.

After breakfast I had been a long list of my princess duties "th-this is the whole list" I trembled "yep that is just half of what a queen would have to do but don't worry it gets easier ones you get used to it"Queen Star comforted I nodded my head and headed out.

James was by my side as we walked to my first duty dancing classes I turned to James and asked "why are you following me?"he looked at me and smiled "I'm your personal butler sense your schedule changed mine has too"he answered I nodded my head.

"Where is dancing classes?"I asked he pointed towards the right hallway "to the right then take a left but sense I'm here I'll just show you follow me"he said I nodded my head as he went in front of me and I started following him.

Once we got there I opened the door to reveal Rigel and a Women that seemed to be in her mid 30's she was wearing a plain Lilac dress and a pearled neckless.

"Good your here please stand next to Prince Rigel"I nodded my head and stood next to him.

Most people wouldn't be able to call Rigel by his first name only close family friends,trusted allies,friends, relative can call him that or any of the royal family that not even workers like the teacher could call him by his name most would call him his majesty or Prince butterfly or at least not in public I wonder why she can.

"There will be an up coming ball going to be set up soon in the castle so you two will need to learn more proper dances mostly you future queen"The teacher said I nodded my head she took that as a sign to keep explaining "today we will be learning the waltz so please get in position."

Rigel turned towards me he bowed to me the teacher turned to us and said "the two people will bow or curtsy to each other"I blushed and curtsied "then the will get in position"Rigel got closer towards me seeing that I didn't now what to do he grabbed my hand and put it at his shoulder and put his hand at my waist he holded my hand with his other hand I turned my head to see the teacher so he wouldn't see my blushing face.

"Now put your right feet towards Rigel"I did as told he smiled at me and I blushed even more.

The class went on and we danced to different dances once we were done my legs felt like they were in agony I sat down to rest my feet a little as I would have to go to go to my next class Rigel stood in front of me and smiled at me "how are you ok aren't your legs in pain"I asked he chuckled at my question "you get used to it once you've don't it for years"he answered "poor you"I mumbled as I got up and stretched.

"Welp up to my next class c'mon James bye Rigel"I waved and exited the class room James spoke up to me and said "I don't mean to alarm you but we are late to your next class"he said my eyes widened and I started to run "Your majesty please wait up!"James yelled but I didn't slow down neither did I stop I went going luckily I knew where the classroom was at.

I suddenly bumped into someone the harsh impact caused me and the other girl to fall down and her books to scatter on the floor.

I opened my eyes to see a girl with white hair and round circular brown glasses she had pink eyes and had her white hair in two pigtails she seemed to be around my age or younger.

"I'm so sorry"I apologized trying to get as many as her book as possible to help her.

"No im terribly sorry your majesty"the girl apologized I gave her the books "no I'm sorry and please call me y/n"I said smiling she smiled back and said "ok my names Ari"I nodded my head then James catched up and helped me off the floor he turned to Ari and asked"Mrs.Mag what are you doing here shouldn't you be in your class?"I turned to her shocked she nodded her head and ran to the other way of the hallway.

"C'mon your majesty let's go to your next class"James said I nodded my head still looking back at the white haired girl.

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