Chapter 5: A day in the Castle

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(I am so sorry for the long wait but here I am with the next chapter

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(I am so sorry for the long wait but here I am with the next chapter.)

I opened my eyes as I yawned "good morning" I yelled who was that?

I looked around my room my eyes landed on a butler with red hair and blue eyes he seemed to be new as you had never seen him before.

"Um M-Morning just a question how long have you been there for?"I asked pointing at him "oh I've been here for a few minutes"He answered his voice was charming but sounded dark.

"Staring at me sleeping?"I said he nodded his head creepy.

I stood up from the bed "so what's the reason for you being in my room?"I asked as I walked to my bag "the Queen told me to come and tell you that breakfast will be starting in a few minutes"He answered "thank you for telling me ugh?" "James James Blast".

"Right"I said as I hooded up a blue grey short dress which had lace in the waist.

I walked to the bathroom to put on the dress "tell queen star that I'll be there in a minute!"I yelled I look at myself in the mirror and put some lipgloss on I then put my hair into a messy bun

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I walked to the bathroom to put on the dress "tell queen star that I'll be there in a minute!"I yelled I look at myself in the mirror and put some lipgloss on I then put my hair into a messy bun. (If you have short hair you put little clips in your hair)

I walk out the door and go to the hallway ok so right left right or was it right right left I thought I suddenly walk into someone knocking me into the floor I opened my eyes and saw Rigel!?

I quickly got up while he was groaning "hi Rigel um morning ugh here let me help you up!"I rambled as I put my hand out for him to grab and he did I pulled him up "so going to breakfast?"I asked "yes and I'm guessing you don't know where it is"he stated "how did you know!?"I asked "the dinner room is that way not this way"He pointed to behind me the pointed to where I was going "o-oh right".

We started to walk back I kept glancing looks at Rigel I then finally said something "so the ball last night fun right"I said "yeah I guess"he answered "uhm I was wondering if you would want to go spend time with me in the garden in a few hours like at 2:00 pm ?"I asked "sure I was thinking of going there anyways"he answered "that's great to hear"I said.

As we walked into the dinning room we saw that our parents where already there.

The room was quiet as everyone ate their breakfast the food was pancakes with eggs and French toast and a little bowl of fruit such as blueberrys,strawberry's,and grapes.

"So how was Mewni while we were gone?"asked mom queen star quickly answered "well we have started putting in interviews for our daily articles and rumors to make them more fun for kids and not just adults to read"mom nodded "I can't wait to see what you two will do when you become queen and king"mom said.

I looked at her with a blank face "I never really thought of it I guess"I told them becoming queen is a lot of responsibility it's not all fun and games you are responsible for everyone's well being one wrong thing and everything will go downhill.

"Well I have been thinking maybe we can get some sort of internet Into our dimension nothing specific a simple old phone would sophice"Rigel mentioned "that actually very smart a little merge of each of our dimension"I stated he just nodded in agreement.

"See you guys are already thinking of ideas"Mom says I nod as I blush from embarrassment of course they think we are in love I thought as I took the last bite out of my pancake "I am done may I be excused?"Rigel asked "uhm same may I also be excused?"I asked too "of course"mom and queen star said.

Me and Rigel got up and headed for the door "see you later in the garden"I whispered to him so only he could hear.

Rigel nodded slowly as we walked out of the room.

Y/n's POV:

When I got close to my room the butler I saw when I woke up came rushing into my room he was panting as he stopped.

"Hi?"I said "h-hello"He said "do you need something?"I asked "uhm I your personal butler for as long as you stay"he coughed "ok still doesn't answer my question"I said "oh uhm sorry I came running here to se if you needed something"He answered "oh well some tea would be nice"I said he nodded and started to run.

"What a weird guy"I mumble as I walk into my room I am still shock by the beautiful decor beautiful I must say every little touch of gold seemed real, all the furniture seemed new or at least never used, it had everything you could have ever want books, New clothings, and so much more it's almost everyone's dream room.

I grabbed a book and started reading for a little bit until I reminded myself of the hanging out with Rigel in the garden I checked the time 1:45 I quickly started running to get out of my room.

I looked around for where the garden was at but saw no progress until I saw James I ran up to him "James hi!"I said he looked at me surprised "Ms.Diaz do you need something?"he asked "yes well Um do you know where the grade is at?"I asked he looked dumbfounded "o-oh of course ms.Diaz allow me to show you the way"he said as he started going into the right hall I quickly started running towards him as he was taking big steps.

Soon enough we got to the garden I was shocked at the beautiful and unknown flowers 💐 some of them I have never seen on earth they where beautiful some where big some where small with wired shapes and sizes.

"Your late"I heard a voice say I looked to where the voice was at it was Rigel he had a girl behind him she had strawberry pink hair and purple eyes she was wearing a maid outfit.

"Hi Rigel yeah uhm sorry I got lost don't really adventure much in your castle"I say as I walk up to him "right I see you brought your butler" "I see you brought your maid!"

He looked shocked and nervous at the same time "well yes I thought maybe she could get us some of our stuff for food and drinks"Rigel explained nervously I looked at him to make sure I then put on a big smile and say "ok so should we start?"I asked "start with what?"Asked Rigel clearly confused "to hang out I don't want to just stand here should we walk around,have tea, What?"i explained/asked his lips made an O as a sign that he got the hint.

"C'mon you know this place better then I know it myself"I said dragging him to a part of the garden once I stopped he bumped into me cousins me to stumble a little.

Once I got my balance back I stood next to Rigel I smiled at him while he was looking at the small triangle shaped purple with the plum being black flower "these are the Viginal flower quite a common flower in the kingdom"Rigel said I looked at the flowers the flowers are common in Mewni but I have never seen flowers like these in my life. "Wow those are beautiful you'll never see those on earth"I mentioned Rigel's serious and composed face turned into a surprised one "really what a difference I do wonder how earth looks must be amazing"Rigel told me. Oh I totally forgot Rigel has never even been to earth before.

"Well it's really beautiful but it doesn't have any magic like your dimension has"I told him chuckling lightly he smiled at me "just by those simple words your world sounds amazing magic might seem amazing to you but to me a person who has been living with it my whole life it's normal"He said my face turned to shock amazed it's true all the stuff I'm talking about sound amazing to him cuz he doesn't live in it.

"Let's get some tea and I can tell you more about earth"I said his face lit up with excitement

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