Chapter 24:Back in time

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Chapter 24: Back in time
Ari's POV

Happy thanksgiving everyoneBefore the kidnapping:I looked over to Rigel I saw that he was sad as he saw y/n leave with Her butler what was his name juames something like that

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Happy thanksgiving everyone
Before the kidnapping:
I looked over to Rigel I saw that he was sad as he saw y/n leave with Her butler what was his name juames something like that.

I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder "hey Rigel do you want to dance?" He turned to me blush dusted on his cheeks, a smile crept onto his mouth.

Dancing always made him feel better, always sense I got here a few years ago.

"I would love to Ari"he answered I felt bad as much as Rigel still had a small crush on me or as some say it love towards me, while I haven't, it feels like I am toying with his emotions and I hate it.

We went towards the dance floor, he grabbed my waist I but my arms around his neck as we started to sway together.

We glided around the dance floor, I started to feel people look at me of course I was used to this but unlike the other times they glared.

'Is she serious!?' 'She has no shame asking the prince to dance when his betrothed is in the same ball' 'are they trying to get back together?'
Back in time-Ari's past
I was barley 14 and had just started training under the queens guidelines.

When I had started a small crush on the young prince.
Back then he was older then me being 15 so he was taller then me and was much more advanced in magic because of his age and the longer his mother had trained him.

I knew he had a fiancé so I pushed back like really back my feelings.

That was until one day
"You wanted to meet me Prince Rigel?"I asked looking up at the pink haired boy a small blush started to form on my cheeks.

Even just standing made him look unworldly handsome his eyelashes just a bit longer than mine looked down along with his blue eyes looking at me even though I was just one inch shorter than him at the time.

He had a blush on his face too "yes Ari uhm I just wanna get straight to the point, I really like you and not in a I like you as a friends way as a I like you like how my parents like each other way"he rambled which made me feel butterflies flutter in my stomach but still my eyes widened at Rigel's confession.

I lightly shushed him by placing my finger in his peach colored lips, that made him quiet real quick though he did chuckle a bit.

"I really like you too Rigel"

After that we made it public that we were together of course I felt bad for the girl he was betrothed with but I loved him... at the time.

We hung out all the time, in training and after, of course the Queen and King where a little uncomfortable towards me after a while.

We were happily In love though I could never shake the feeling that the girl would still think her fiancé was still single and maybe that girl was helplessly in love with Rigel.

I always got rude stares and whispers when I went out with Rigel.

I was able to handle that guilt but one day it was too much.

A few years later Ami was born and a little child, she loved me I can admit that and it hurt to know that I would have to break up with her brother.

"Rigel we need to talk"I said he was sitting down in a couch we were currently at disarming training "ok love what do you need?"he asked with a big guffey grin on his face.

I frowned I wanted to cry and tear up, I still loved him oh so much but the guilt was too big for me to bear anymore.

I sat down next to him and grabbed his hands "well love if your trying to propose to me, you should know we're way to young for that"he chuckled, I gave him a small smile, little did he know it was far from that.

I chuckled at his little joke "no, it's not even close to it actually"I stated "well love what is it don't leave me hanging?"he said I sighed "we shouldn't be together anymore"I said, his smile faded from his lips and turned into a frown, tears started flowing down his face.

"L-Love what do you mean, you don't want to be with me anymore, why!?"asked Rigel, my heart felt like it plummeted.

"B-because Rigel this is not right there's a girl out there in the human Dimension who might want to marry you, I can't be the one to be cruel and diminish those dreams!"I said I stood up from the couch and tried to grab my stuff when Rigel stopped me "what if she didn't want to marry me, what if she is in love with another like how I love you! And even if she did love me I love you Ari!"he said more tears flowing down his face but this time tears were flowing down mine too.

Why did he have to look so handsome while crying,  he looked beautiful with flushed cheeks and wet eyelashes and the tears in his eyes made him look like he had little bits of crystals inside his eyes.

"T-That's exactly what I mean we are just saying what if's she could not love but she could love you too and it's not risk I'm willing to take, to break a poor girls heart".

Like this is breaking mine.

"Have I come at the right time, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something?"I turned my head to see Queen Star I gave one finale look at Rigel before grabbed my stuff, walking out "no it's fine I was just leaving".

After that we could have separate classes for a few months those few months I got over Rigel and focused more on my magic.

I knew that one day I would have to meet her but I never thought that much about it and only girl who made me feel like I had to break up with him.

But I did.

A few years later I was walking over to my next magic class when I bumped into someone.

I opened my eyes to see a girl with h/c hair she had e/c eyes, she seemed to be around my age or older, I know who this was she's Ri-

"I'm so sorry"She apologized trying to get as many as my book as possible to help me out I grabbed as many as I could too.

"No im terribly sorry your majesty"I apologized She gave me my books "no I'm sorry and please call me
y/n"She said smiling I smiled back I didn't want to seem rude "ok my names Ari"She nodded her head then and a guy with red hair and blue eyes ran over here I knew that guy he was James I was always suspicious of that guy ever sense he tried to go to Rigel's room and he barley started working here a year ago he knows all of our names and our rooms he has barley even talked to Rigel and he already knows where he sleeps. He turned to Me and asked"Mrs.Mag what are you doing here shouldn't you be in your class?"Y/n looked at me with shock in her eyes I nodded my head and ran to the other way of the hallway.

That was Y/n the betrothed to Rigel.
End of flashback

I sighed as we were still dancing "Rigel I know you still have feelings for me"I said he looked at me his cheeks flushed a little "I'll admit I do, and we still-"I shushed him "Rigel we can't and you know why, she seems to like you and don't try to say nO ShE DoESeN't cuz she does, I have moved on I think it's time you did too"just then the Queen came running over.

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