chapter four

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Liam enjoyed his stay in the, well mansion he'd called it. Louis would always make fun of Liam every time he would freak out over how large the home was. Liam had always lived in small, compact areas for most of his life. His family didn't have much. So to Liam, everything was much bigger compared to Zayn and the rest of the boys.

Liam was constantly happy, surrounded by people who made him laugh. Harry was very flirtaious, constantly giving Liam a light blush on his cheeks. Niall was very cheerful and always happy, always wanting to conversate with Liam. Which Liam didn't mind. Louis was very witty, always finding a way too make a joke out of something.

Zayn was very different compared to all his pals. Zayn was quiet, he didn't say much, unless he and Liam were alone. Liam knew Zayn didn't like all the boys being friends with Liam, especially because he hadn't even marked him yet. Not claiming Liam yet had made Zayn overpower with jealousy. Even if one of the boys just took a small glance at Liam, Zayn would pull Liam away upstairs into their room. But when Zayn was away for most of the day, Liam would take the chance and talk too all of the boys. He enjoyed having friends.

Zayn was usually out most of the day, Liam almost thought it was to avoid him. "He's just got a lot on his mind mate," Niall told Liam well silently chewing on the sandwich Liam had made him, "I mean, he wasn't all that happy when we brought you home." Liam frowned, had Zayn not wanted him at all? Was he just a burden?

When all of the boys were busy, Liam would take comfort in the decent sized - well, large to Liam - library. He also enjoyed talking to Mrs O. She was a sweet women. He'd learned a lot about her, she'd had a daughter when she was much too young. Her daughter was much grown up and currently in college. She'd been working for Zayn and the pack for a few months, and knew about their little secret. She'd all ready became a mother to all the boys, even Liam. She'd given a lot of advice to Liam about Zayn. "Oh sweetheart, you're so cute! I'm sure Zayn'd love to be with you more, but with you being, unmarked and all" Mrs. O rolled her eyes and let out a small giggle, continuing to dust the librarys desks.

Liam was still unaware of where he was walking too, it'd seemed like the house gets bigger every hour. Liam made his way towards to door, it lead into the kitchen. In the kitchen sat Harry, eating away at a bag of chips. "Mind if I join you?" Liam asked politely, well taking a seat down next to Harry. Harry looked up, realizing it was only the young boy that he, Niall and Louis had broughten home almost a week ago. "Sure thing mate" Harry agreed, grabbing another chip. "Hows Zayn been treating you?" Hary asked, remembering the other night were Zayn hadnt been in his best mood. "Okay, I guess." Liam sighed and reached for a chip. "What do you mean, you guess?" Harry pushed, wanting an answer out of Liam. Liam chewed on the chip silently for a few seconds before answering. "He kind of ignores me, and-" Liam shook his head. "I really don't want to talk about it." Harry nodded in agreement, understanding the boys untrustfullness.

Suddenly the door clicked open, causing Harry and Liam too look around quickly. Just who Liam exactly did not want to see walked in. Zayn, his hair was tousled and his black shirt was streched out slightly. He had a small scruff on his chin, Liam of course found Zayn atrractive, way too much. Harry looked down, away from Liam. As if he were scared. Zayn glared at Harry, as if he didn't like how Harry and Liam were alone together.

"I was just leaving." Harry quickly lifted himself from his seat and slid past Zayn.  Zayn didn't even give Liam a glance as he walked by Liam.

Liams heart shattered. How could he be like this to his own mate? Maybe he didn't want his mate now that hes discovered how he actually is.

Liam quickly followed Zayn to his room, with tears quickly filling his eyes ready to pour out. Liam had grown an attachmemt to Zayn, no matter how he was acting towards him. As soon as Liam walked into the room right behind Zayn he slammed the soor. Zayn turned quickly, with no expression on his face.

"Do you not want me?" The smaller boy asked, biting his lip softly to keep the tears from coming out.

Zayns expressionless face quickly turned into concern. "What?"

Liam gained some confidence, rising his shoulders making him appear bigger than the smaller boy who was just about to cry. "Do you not want me." Liam asked louder. "Because if you don't want me tell me now, so I don't waste my time here."

"No," Zayn shook his head rapidly. "I want you here."

"Not in this house with you, I mean with you. Because the way you've been acting makes me feel like you don't."

"Liam, of course I want you." Zayn stood there, confused as to why his mate would ever think such a thing. Had Harry told him something that wasn't true? Zayn began making plans to have a chat with the younger wolf.

"Then why did you wait so long to come get me?" Liams confidence quickly flew away out the door and his sadness began showing. "Why didn't you take me away from him." Zayn growled lowly under his breath. The thought of the man that ever even laid a hand on his mate made Zayn furious and uneasy.

Zayns eyes caught interest in the floor, it was better than looking his mate in the eyes. "I didn't think you'd want me. I'm only something you see in those shit movies. I thought you were happy and I didn't want to take that away from you."

Liam understood, and he hated that. Why did he always have to be so understanding of everyone? Liam thought, but why is he still acting so cold to me?

"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting," Zayns beautiful brown eyes, well to Liam, met his. Zayn had long dark lashes that made Zayns eyes look even more beautiful. Zayn took a few small steps towards Liam. Liam could feel his heartbeat speeding up. "I've just spent so much time looking at you but never being near you, and now I am actually near you," Zayn grabbed Liams smaller hand, Liam could feel the sparks. He'd never felt any other way touching someone else. "and I can touch you," Zayns fingers intertwined with Liams. Zayns hands were large, warm and rough. Zayns free hand made it way to Liams cheek, Liam turned bright red. The sparks when Zayn touched Liam made him go even crazier. "all these things I've never thought I'd be able to do. And all I want to do is protect you and make you feel safe." Zayn thumb gently brushed against Liams cheek. Liam did feel safe. "And now that I know your mine I never want to let you go."

And Liam won't let him go either.

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