Chapter 11 - Three on Two

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Loki puts you down as you near the doors to the training room. Pushing through, you see not only Steve, but Clint and Natasha - both geared up.

"Uh, Cap? What's going on here?" you ask suspiciously. Clint seems far too eager, and Natasha has a dangerous smirk on her face.

"You didn't think you'd both be training against me alone, did you?" smiles Steve.

He hadn't been in the kitchen during Clint and Loki's show down.

"Oh no," you say quietly to yourself, glancing over at Clint, who is trading his training bow for his combat bow.

"All right everyone, front and center," calls out Steve, his voice bouncing off the walls.

You, Loki, Natasha, and Clint fall in line. Loki at one end, Clint at the other. You and Natasha next to each other in the middle. Steve starts pacing in front of you as he lays out the rules. You chuckle on the inside. It is easy to forget that Steve is a military man. Until he does something like this.

"Rules are simple. No deadly weapons. Loki, wooden daggers only and no weaponized magic. Passive only. Y/n, same rules apply to you. Nat, stick to the paintballs. Hawk, rubber tip arr-what are you doing?" Steve says, confused as Clint starts walking away.

You watch as Clint grumbles and tosses down his quiver, full of both his razor-edge metal-tipped arrows and a few of his secret explosive arrows. He grabs his training quiver, and stomps back to the lineup.

"Thank you," says Steve.

"What about you, Cap? What are your rules?" you call out.

"I won't break any bones," Steve says smiling.

Fair enough, you think to yourself.

"We go until lethally tagged, or otherwise prevented from fighting on. It's an honor system here folks. If you receive a lethal blow, you're out. Got it?"

All four of you nod.

"Last condition," says Steve. "Alpha Team gets starting advantage."

You groan as you grab Loki by the wrist and pull him out the doors of the training room.

"Well, this will be interesting," Loki grins.

You and Loki wait outside the doors for several long minutes, giving Steve, Nat, and Clint the time they need to set up the obstacles and hide within the massive room. After about 10 minutes, you no longer hear the curiously loud sound of obstacles being moved around. Whatever the three of them had set up, it was big. And complex.

You and Loki wait an additional 5 or so to let the three of them hide within whatever monstrosity they had created.

"Are you ready?" you look over at Loki and ask.

Loki simply laughs as his fingertips begin to grow green, a wild look in his eye. It sends a shiver through your body.

"I'll take that as a yes, then," you whisper. "Let's go."

Quietly, you push open the door just far enough to slip through with Loki behind you. It takes every ounce of self control not to gasp at the room that had been set up. Every single tactical obstacles the Avengers own is arranged on the field. Everything from hallways to fake walls and roofs. It looks like a small shanty town.

"Keep one eye on the sky, Lo," you whisper. "Hawk's up there."

"No need to remind me, darling. The bird man has his own vendetta. I anticipate it with glee," he answers honestly as you both silently make your way into the room of obstacles.

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