Chapter 58 - A Final Warning

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Even as your body feels weightless in the dimensions of Amora's portal, and all sense of time and space feel like distant memories, you cling to the body in your arms.

When the ground re-materializes beneath you, your vision narrows again to pinpricks. But it takes less time to fight off the dizziness and nausea than last time.

"Lady Y/n!"

You hear Thor's voice call out but you simply cling to Loki as tears takeover.

"Lady Y/n," says a soft, gentle voice as someone kneels next to you, and places a warm hand on top of yours, which clings to Loki's shirt.

"Sif, help me," you manage to choke out through your sobs. "Please."

Amora had sent you back to Költr's ice cave.

"Help," you sob once more. 

You feel Loki's body being pulled from your arms and you let out a scream, clutching to him desperately.

"We must go, sister," Thor says gently. "Let me carry him."

You loosen your grasp and allow Thor to lift Loki into his arms, cradling his younger brother to his chest as Fandral and Sif both help you stand. The three of you begin running towards the entrance of the cave. You stumble and Fandral catches you, pulling one of your arms around his shoulders and placing one of his around your waist, he helps you to the mouth of the caverns where Thor shouts up to the gatekeeper.

"Heimdall! Bring us home!"

Immediately you're all sucked into the light, appearing on the Bifrost.

"I lost sight of you, my prince. Both of you. What has happened," Heimdall says, concern glowing in his golden eyes.

"I know not," says Thor. 

"W-we...Amora, she...Loki," you stammer, unable to get the words out through your tears. "Help him, gods please, help him," you cry.

"We must get him to the palace healers," says Thor. "Thank you, Heimdall."

Thor, Sif, and Fandral begin moving quickly down the Bifrost. But it's too long. The palace too far away. It will take ages to reach the healers.

"No time," you choke out between tears, rushing to them.

"Sister, what do you-"

Before Thor has a chance to speak, you grab hold of Thor's arm, and hold your arm out to Sif and Fandral, who take it tentatively. Then, trying something you've never done before, you lean into your seidr and teleport all five of you to the steps of the palace.

You fall short, and reappear on the dueling grounds. But you let out a sigh of relief as you collapse. 

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