Chapter 16 - AI's and Lullabies

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The elevator doors open, and the first thing you notice is the silence. 

On any normal day, the lab is filled with various beeping, buzzing, and metal grinding noises. Occasionally you'd even be greeted by raised voices or the sounds of blow torches and welding tools. 

But today, there is only silence. 

Arching one brow, you step cautiously into the lab. You keep your steps light, and make no noise. Glancing around, you look for any sign of Tony or Bruce. 

Making your way in deeper, winding through the lab tables and machinery strewn about, you finally spot movement in Tony's office. Peering across the room, you see the door shut, and let out a sigh of relief. 

The lack of noise is simply a lack of Tony.

Straightening up from your crouched position, you spot Banner in the very back of the lab, his back to you. He's deeply, deeply entrenched in whatever he's working on. Walking up to him, you slap him lightly on the back.

"Hey Banner!" 

"AHH!" Banner cries out in startled surprise, dropping what looks like a black metal ring on the ground as he accidentally knocks an entire tray of tools off the table. They land on the ground with a loud clang.

"Woah, woah, woah!" you say quietly, calmly, and reassuringly as you see Bruce's neck and hands start to turn green.

"ARGH...MMHMM..." Bruce growls as his fists clench and he begins to grow slightly in size. Your sudden touch and loud greeting had startled Bruce so badly that he is starting to go green.

"Tony!" you shout as you keep one calm, reassuring hand on Bruce's arm.

Tony runs out from around the corner and casts a few confused glances between you and Bruce as you try to keep him from losing full control.

"Shh...Banner, I-" you plead.

"NOT...BANNER...," Bruce interrupts in a growl, clearly fighting himself.

"Shit," says Tony, coming up to your side and beginning to move all of the breakable things on the lab tables nearby.

"JARVIS," you call out, "get Nat to the lab NOW! Tell her we have a Code Green."

"Right away, Miss."

"Okay big guy, easy does it," you say, gently stroking and patting his large, swelling arm.

Bruce's face is still recognizable, but his size has started to grow. And nearly his entire face and arms are green. If you don't get this under control now, you're going to have quite a bit of heavy lifting to do to get Bruce back. The Hulk doesn't like to give up his control.

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