Chapter 75 - Running

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That same light knocking wakes you up in the morning. Groaning, you pull your pillow over your head and try to go back to sleep, ignoring whoever stands outside your door.

*Knock* *Knock*

"What?" you growl, throwing the pillow aside.

The door opens slowly, and Loki steps into the room. Hands clasped behind his back as he stares at you.

"What do you want, Loki?" you ask quietly. 

"We prepare to ride for Asgard. Thor sent me to fetch you."

You let out an exasperated sigh and collapse back into bed, curling up in your blankets. After a moment, you feel a warm, tingling sensation as your body begins to levitate, the blankets sliding away as you're lifted from the bed in a glow of green.

"Loki!" you shout, frustrated. "Put me the Hel down! This isn't fair."

"Who says I like to play fair, darling?" he smirks.

You thrash around for a moment as Loki walks closer, moving you to the floor. As you kick the blankets from you, a small flutter catches your eye. 

But it catches Loki's too. 

The photograph. You had fallen asleep holding it.

You watch as the world seems to move in slow motion as Loki bends down to pick it up.

"LOKI STOP!" you shout.

But it's too late. 

You fall from the air landing roughly on the ground as Loki's seidr disappears. You stand quickly as Loki stares, horrified, at the photograph in his hands. His face is contorted in confusion, fear, and disgust.

"Loki, please," you beg softly. "I can explain."

But Loki simply looks up at you in horror, and disappears in a flash of green as the picture floats to the ground.

"Oh shit," you say out loud, panic surging through your body as you run over to where he stood, grabbing the photo from the floor.

Without even bothering to change from your pajamas, you lean into your seidr and in a flash of blue you're outside on the palace steps, searching frantically for Thor and Fandral. Luckily, you spot them at the bottom, already mounted.

"Thor!" you scream, tears running down your face. You start running down the steps.

He and Fandral both look to you, confusion on their faces as they see you in your pajamas.

"My lady? What has happened?" Thor says, sliding from his horse and quickly taking his cape from around his shoulders, draping it over you.

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