*Chapter 14 - Override Codes*

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By the time you and Bruce make it down to the lab, Tony and Loki are already in a bout of verbal sparring.

"You humans always fail to see the larger picture."

"And what's that supposed to mean, Lover Boy?"

"You're attempting to calibrate without taking into consideration density, you dolt."

You and Bruce hang back quietly, observing Tony and Loki, neither of whom seem to notice your presence as they remain focused on the projected blue prints in front of them, their backs to you.

"Wrong, Mischief. We've taken into consideration every isometric value for weight and proportional density for both the nanotech and the subject."

"But you've failed to consider the realm," Loki sneers, waving his arms in front of him as if gesturing to the world itself, then pointing at something on the projection.

"The realm? What the hell does that mean?"

Loki lets out a groan and smacks his forehead. You stifle a laugh. It's about time Loki grows frustrated with someone else's processing speed. You have definitely had your fill of it. And you have to admit, watching Loki work is...stimulating.

"Pay attention Stark," Loki says, grabbing an instrument from the table to demonstrate as he speaks. "As our realm expands, the number of atoms and photons all remain constant as the volume of the Universe increases. The density of both matter and radiation drops, but not at the same rate."

"I'll be damned," Tony and Bruce both say under their breath at the same time.

You glance over at Bruce, struggling to tear your eyes away from Loki's impassioned teachings.

"What does that mean, Banner?" you whisper.

"Shh...I'll tell you later," says Bruce, straining to listen to Tony and Loki without giving away your presence.

You watch as Tony makes a few adjustments to the specs, waving out pieces of the projection with his hands, and making small adjustments here and there.

"May I?" Loki says, stepping up and reaching out for the projection. It takes him a moment to figure out the basics of working with the hologram, but he quickly adapts, and soon is making what seem to be drastic changes to a part of the blueprint.

"What the hell are you doing?!" shouts Tony, pushing Loki to the side and trying to pull back in some pieces that Loki had seemingly removed.

"Have faith, Tony," Loki says, giving Tony a hard shove to the side, re-removing the pieces that Tony had just dragged back in.

Your jaw drops, and a shiver of desire runs down your spine as you hear Loki call Tony by his name for the first time. Between his obvious intellect, and the way he is getting along with Tony, you find yourself starting to want him.

"Uhhh, Y/n? You okay?" Banner says quietly from beside you.

"Huh?" you say, pulled back to the moment.

"You just seem...never mind," Bruce says, looking at you strangely before turning his attention back to Tony and Loki.

You take a deep breath, and try to calm your beating heart. You'd get your chance at Loki. For now, you want to enjoy watching him in this environment.

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