Chapter 40 - Hidden Talents

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"Loki!" you cry out, reaching desperately towards that familiar light in the distance. 

Your legs carry you forward, and you ignore the snapping of twigs beneath your feet. The ones that sound so similar to the snapping of bones. 


You look down to the forest floor and see Steve's body painted in crimson blood, the bones of his legs poking through his skin. 

In horror you drop to your knees. 

"No," you let out a quiet gasp in horror. "Gods no. HELP! Please, somebody!" you scream. 

But nobody can hear you. 

Nobody, save for that quiet, growling voice behind you.



"Y/n! Wake up! What the hell is wrong with her?"

"Get off of her Stark!"

Your heart pounds as you flail, desperately fighting against the multiple sets of hands grabbing your shoulders, your wrists.

"Honey! Honey it's all right, calm down," a familiar female voice in the distance calls out to you.

"UNHAND HER, STARK!" roars Loki from somewhere nearby.

A toddler's cry seems to pull you from whatever trance keeps you fighting against the familiar hands that try to calm you. You look over to see a pair of big, green eyes in your doorway. 

You stop fighting.

"Kærasta, you're safe," you hear Loki's voice in your ear but you can't see him. 

You can only see those green eyes. You reach for them.

"Pep, keep him back," you hear Tony say.

"I think she needs him, Tony."

Your sons green eyes draw nearer until you hold him to your chest, and his little arms are around your neck. Once safe in your grasp you let out a sob, burying your face in his hair.

Rocking gently, it takes a moment for you to realize where you are, and for your sobbing to quiet. 

"Mama sad?" you hear a little voice in your ear as two tiny hands grab your face. Suddenly, you feel a warm, tingling sensation in your head. You vision starts to blur as you get dizzy. 

"Y/n? Y/n what's going on? GET HIM AWAY FROM HER!" yells Tony.

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