⁰¹¹ dreams by fleetwood mac

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❝ tell your daddy about me ? ❞

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❝ tell your daddy about me ?


"ARE YOU READY, THEN?" ron asked at breakfast, chomping down on his eggs as he sat across the table from harry, hermione and levi.

"as ready as i can be." the brunette shrugged. "where's maeve?" he worried, pushing his bowl away from him.

"are you two, like, going out or something, now?" ron asked, slicing up his sausage and dipping it into his yolk.

"erm. . ." harry stopped looking around, cheeks flushing red as he tried to cover up. "yes, i suppose we are, actually." he lied, taking a sip of pumpkin juice from his chalice.

hermione dropped her fork on the table, going into a hysteric coughing fit at this.

"merlin, hermione-" ron inched away from her in annoyance. "what's your problem?"

"nothing, ronald." she snapped, jaw clenched.

"hey, guys." maeve greeted, sliding into the bench as she adjusted her tie under her collar.

"hey." harry nodded timidly, fingers drumming on the surface of the table.

"hey, maeve." ron managed out through a full mouthful of food.

"hey." levi smiled.

"hi." hermione spoke through gritted teeth, subtly rolling her eyes and looking down at the daily prophet.

"that bloody malfoy is getting on my last nerve." levi spat irritably, buttering some toast with a huff.

"what's he done now?"

"keeps going on and on about his stupid bet with his stupid dad about the tournament!"

"oh, just ignore him." ginny advised. "you know what he's like. got nothing better to do."

"good luck today, potter!" draco jeered from across the hall. "i can't wait to see you lose!"

"fuck off, malfoy." maeve flipped him off.

"you'd better be careful too, foster. if i was you, i'd watch your mouth around your superiors."

she and ron scoffed, chortling together. "i don't see any superiors? do you?"

"don't say i didn't warn you!" draco's face went red with frustration, shaking his head.

the freckled girl scoffed at him. "i'm not scared of you, ferret boy. what are you gonna do, malfoy? tell your daddy about me?"

"no, i'm going to do this." the boy grinned smugly, standing up on the slytherins table. "maeve foster is a dyke!" draco revealed proudly, hands curled by his mouth in an attempt to amplify his voice as his friends cheered him on. "told you that you'd regret it, wouldn't you, maeve? you're a big, fat-"

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