⁰²³ rita skeeter's return

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❝  oh, get a grip !  ❞

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❝ oh, get a grip !


   "SO, WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO?" maeve asked as they entered hogsmeade. the high street was full of students walking up and down, peering into the shop windows and messing about together on the pavements.

"i don't mind, do you want to go in the shops— or get a coffee?" clover suggested nervously, as they carried on walking alongside each other.

"mhm, sure- coffee. . . tea's good."

     "okay, how about madam puddifoot's?" clover suggested brightly, pointing towards the small tea shop in the corner. madam puddifoot's was an infamous popular date location with the hogwarts students, so of course, maeve had never been there before.

"yeah, okay." she nodded.

"i prefer coffee, though." clover added, as they approached the packed tea room.

maeve didn't say anything. hermione liked tea. maeve liked tea. with a dash of milk, and a teaspoon of sugar. she didn't like coffee. hermione didn't like coffee, either. unless she was studying really late, then she didn't mind a cappucin—

      stop. stop. she was on a date with clover, not hermione.

they sat down at the last remaining table, which was over by the window. parvati patil was sitting with lavender brown nearby, and they were holding hands over the table.

this made maeve uncomfortable, because what if clover wanted to hold hands? sure, that was okay— but then what if she wanted to kiss? she fidgeted in her seat as madam puddifoot came round to their table, asking for their order.

"two coffees, please." clover asked.

and in the time it took for their drinks to arrive, parvati and lavender had started kissing. and then, when she looked left, she saw dean and seamus doing the same thing. and it made her want into crawl into a hole and not come back out. it was setting a standard in which she assumed clover would soon expect her to compete against.

she sat trying to avoid her gaze while clover talked, and sipped her coffee— which was absolutely disgusting, by the way. she would have much preferred a nice cup of tea, but clover had ordered it, and offered to pay— so maeve would feel bad if she didn't finish it.

maeve had finally cheered up a little while later, when she had stomached the coffee, and they had moved on to the conversation of bashing professor umbridge— making both of them laugh. but then, she noticed parvati and lavender again, and her eyes scanned the room, searching for something else to say to stall their potential kiss.

her eyes landed on tomes and scrolls bookshop outside of the window, and it reminded her of hermione, but giving her an idea of something to say. "erm, do you want to come with me to the three broomsticks at lunchtime?" the blonde offered. "i'm meeting hermione there."

DEVOTED , h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now