Chapter 15

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I ran up to Kyrie's dorm praying that nothing horrible happened to him. I slammed open the door without even knocking and ky was just sitting by the window. "Hey baby what's wrong?" "Come here." He whispered silently. I peered out to see Michael's girlfriend , Julia, making out with her ex boyfriend. "Did you really call me up here to see this?" I questioned. "Ya why?" I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Because I thought something horrible happened to you." He chuckled and said, "Nope I'm fine." I wanted to say no dib but I just hugged him. "Uh so what are we going to do about this?" He questioned. "Tell Michael the truth." Kyrie had a dumb look on his face. "No! I don't want Michael to be heart broken." I rolled my eyes. "Ya but do you want him to find out now or when they could be married and make things worse?" We were obviously both tired as hell so I helped him get into bed before I left.

"Goodnight baby." I said kissing him lightly on the forehead. "Wait!" He said patting the side of the bed that was empty. I giggled at laid down next to him. "Do you want to-" I rudely interrupted him. "No, I'm tired and your leg is broken." He chuckled and clicked on the tv. As we were laying there watching a basketball game I fell asleep into his arms.

The next morning I woke up right next to him. I laid there for a little bit just staring at his adorable face. Then Michael came in the room. "Hey Aly. Oh wait Aly?" He said with a side smile on his face. "Shut up." I commanded crawling over Kyrie. "Did you guys?" I took a deep breath. "No." I exclaimed shoving Michael lightly. He just chuckled and went over to look out the window. A deep sigh of depression came over me. "What's wrong?" Michael said. "Oh uh nothing." I exclaimed with a sweet smile. He was looking out the window where me and ky did last night. I felt so bad for Michael and wanted to tell him what had happened. I was about to until I heard a big yawn come from Kyrie. "Good morning babe." He said staring at me not noticing Michael. "Aye my man how's it been?" Ky looked annoyingly over at Michael. "Pretty good." Kyrie said while rubbing his eyes. I stared at him until our eyes met. I nodded at him signaling that we should tell Michael what had happened.

Kyrie's POV

I knew it wasn't going to be easy to tell Michael but I had to. "Michael we have something to tell you." Aly said walking over to sit by me. I just nodded with a frown. He stared at both of us with a worried look on his face. Aly looked at me. I figured she wanted me to start so I did. "Well you see Michael," I was saying until I was interrupted. "I know you two are probably moving out cause Aly is pregnant and you don't want me to be alone so-" me and Aly shockingly turned to look at each other. "No Michael that's not it at all." Aly explained. "We're to young." I mumbled under my breath. Then Aly slapped me on the arm. "Last night when you were at basketball I was shooting 'hoops' with the mini ball." He look very confused and didn't see where the story was going. "When my ball rolled towards the window seal I peeked out the window and saw this..." I showed Michael a picture on my phone. I took it for proof just in case he didn't believe us. His jaw dropped and a brief sigh of angry hit him. "Is- I-is that Julia?" Aly nodded with a sad look on her face. Michael then ran over to the wall punching a hole in it. "I didn't know he could do that." Aly whispered to me silently. "When you get between a mans loved ones, he can do many things." I commented.
Hey yall. This was kind of a short chapter but I felt like I haven't updated in awhile. Comment on what you think please:) thanks! -Aly ❤️

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