His Anniversary Tweet

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Matthew: I can't beleive its been 2 years since my amazing marriage with @Y/N. @Y/N I loove you! #HugsAndKisses

Shawn: 6 perfect months with my one and only @Y/N. I cant wait till our 1 year. See you later @Y/N. #ILoveYouu

Jack J: 5 Years since I've met @Y/N! We've been through happiness, joy, love, sad times and much more. But what I love most is being with @Y/N. #5Years!

Taylor: These months have felt like a dream. Its been amazing riding on Cloud 9 with @Y/N. Its been amzing being with you. #Cloud 9

Jack G: Its feels like ikt was only Yesterday when I put that ring on @Y/N's finger. 1 Year on and we're still going on. #1YearWithMyBae

Hayes: I dont care if it has been 1 month but it feels like it has been forever with @Y/N. I love her soo much. #NoRegrets

Cameron: Ther couldn't be a more perfect girl than you @Y/N. Rememeber that I love you and that I will always cherish our 3 Years together.

Nash: I don't actually care about what anybody says about our relationship @Y/N. Just know thats these monthst have been the best with @Y/N. #9Months

Aaron: I can't wait to celebrate my 4 Years with @Y/N! Plus I have the most exciting news..... Shes pregenant! #BestPresentEver!

Carter: I love her sooooo much. An amizing 2 and a half years with @Y/N! I can't wait for this realtionship to frow. #Loveee

Jacob: Being in this 2 Year relationship with the love of my life has been the best. It's soo amazing being with the love of your life. #ILoveYou@Y/N

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