How You Met. Part 2

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Jack J:

I’m a British girl and I have just arrived in America. I’m super happy and I am here with my school on a school trip for a pen pal exchange unit. We were all lining up as the teachers counted ticked.

“Oh no, we’ve lost Jason!” Miss Hybrid screamed.

The teachers roamed and searched like crazy for hours!

“Yo, what’s goin!” Jason yelled, while coming out the bathroom.

He has always been like this; I wonder how his parents cope. After that beautiful wasting of time. We were finally able to stay at the houses of our Pen pals. My one was called Jack Johnson and he’s totally adorable! He’s also got an amazing personality and I hear he’s nearly famous. I looked at the list and realized I had to leave now. The journey was ok, and the taxi driver pulled up. I gave the money and knocked on the velvet door in front of me. As the door opened I saw him. He was soo much more hot in real life. I knew from then, the rest of the trip was going to be amazing.

Jack G:

Being the popular girl is hard! Especially when hot gossip is spreading about you, boys are always falling for you and girls are envying you so badly. Honestly in my opinion I feel that being a nerd is 10x better than my busy life right now.

I was walking through the school halls and everything went silent. Was it my outfit? Well obviously not, I was wearing a crop top, jeans, Louis Vuitton heels and exclusive Channel jewellery.  Was it my hair? Or my teeth? OH YEAH! I only just broke up with my boyfriend yesterday and no one will shut up about it in my circle, so it must have spread. He’s captain of the softball team and he’s kinda popular too. But honestly we both knew that the relationship was only for him to gain extra popularity. I kept on walking down the hallway as innocent as possible. I walked into my class and sat at the back of the class.

Students eventually piled in while giving me looks and sat down in their chairs.

“Students, I’d like to welcome our new student...”

New student!?

“Jack Gilinksky.”

Right, He’s hot, tall, nice hair and a charming smirk he’s go there.

“You’ll be sitting next to Y/N , don’t worry, she’s one of our best students at Elwood and she’ll help you a lot.

He strolled over next to me, very confidently, but not too cocky.

“They call me Jack, but you can call me Gilinsky” 


Only 5 more days till you finally leave for Chicago and you were super excited! You had previously been bullied by people in your old school, You began cutting and finally your parents found out. They immediately decided that moving away would be the best thing.

The moving van arrived to move all your non-important family items and you wanted to follow your dad to go check out the house. The Van arrived and you wondered around the house. It was twice as big as your other house and even had an indoor pool!

You would have been happier but you were too hungry. You asked your dad for money and decided to walk around the area and fin somewhere to eat. You eventually walked into McDonald's and ordered some food. You got it and sat at a table.

As you were eating a fine young boy walked up to you. His hair was brown and his glassy eyes were gorgeous. He sat down and smiled as he stretched out his hand. You shook it and after the introduction your life moved soo smoothly


You were checking in at the airport. Winter break had finally arrived and California was soon to be your paradise of relaxation. You finally got your passport checked and sat down as you waited for them to call your flight gate.

As you waited your throat became dry and you thought that a good drink would be helpful. As you walked towards the vending machine you were pushed to the ground by an arrogant jerk, but before you fell the jerk caught you and that jerk suddenly became the most hot jerk you've seen.

"Sorry!" He said

"It's cool" You replied.


"Y/N" You said as our shook his warm hand that would soon belong to you.


School was super stressful today and your parents were just the icing, on the annoying cake. Your boyfriend had also bailed and was your ride, but ditched you for Call of Duty. You were currently walking to the launderette to wash your stained top that you were wearing in the morning but got ruined by yogurt. You had your gym clothes on.

You entered the shop and threw your top inside. You searched your bag (Purse, I think in America), and searched for your wallet. You dug and emptied your while bag, only to remember that you left it in your boyfriends car.

You groaned in frustration. As you were about to remove the top, a super cute boy appeared and smiled with empathy.

" Here." He said

"I can't" You said back.

"No, please take it" He said and he stretched the dollar bill to you.

"Thanks." You exclaimed.

From there on you forgot about your boyfriend as you talked to your future one.

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