His Type of PDA

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Jack J: His arm, wrapped around your shoulder, shielding you from any trouble.

Jack G: His arm is always tightly wrapped around your waist. Never willing to let you go.

Aaron: As long as your with him, that's all that matters.

Shawn: He's not a serious fan of PDA. But the occasional kiss does come up.

Taylor: He loves PDA. He loves to tell everyone that your his and his PDA comes in many forms.

Carter: Your hand around his torso making you two belong.

Nash: The both of you walk around as if your side hugging.

Jacob: The occasional kisses and smiles make your heart flutter every time.

Cameron: Your hand on his shoulders and his hand on your waist, with the occasional smile.

Hayes: His hand wanders between your but and your waist as you stroll.

Matthew: Hand entwining is his thing. He likes to massage your little hands in his perfectly warm ones, just to make you feel safe.


Happy Birthday to Shawn Mendes! I hope he enjoys his day. :D

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