Your Favorite Beyonce Song

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Jacob: Flawless. Something he loves to call you. Also you two be like 'We woke up like this!'

Aaron: Love on Top. Your his number one priority meaning that the love that you both share is currently above everything else.

Matthew: Pretty Hurts. One thing that Matthew told you was that no matter how you look or what people say, you will always be pretty and to never let it get to you. You took it to heart and now you love this song.

Cameron: Run the World. You loved taking charge and you felt that the world should be run by women. He totally agreed because he thinks that a controlling you is a sexy you.

Taylor: Partition. First things first, he thinks that you look absolutely sexy when you dance to this song and you want to be the only woman in his life.

Carter: End of Time. He promised to stay with you till the end of time and you know that even if he doesn't fulfill that you will always love him till the end of time and he will too.

Hayes: XO. You love him more than anything else and being with him helped spread positivity into your life and people around you.

Nash: Drunk in Love. On one of your favorite dates you two went snowboarding. When you hear it, you both are like 'Snowboard, Snowboard.....'

Shawn: You don't have a favourite because Shawn makes them all sound good with his angelic voice.

Jack J: Halo. You can tell that he's loyal and pure all through him from head to toe. He feels that everything in you is true and is full of honesty. Overall you feel that your relationship is Purified.

Jack G: Crazy in Love. Everything seems to be so confusing for both of you. How you both came to be wrapped into an amazing relationship for the both of you and a happy life.

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