How You Met. Part 1

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Taylor: Your best friend had just won a Magcon competition. She was allowed to bring an extra person and who was better than you. Her best friend. You got ready and curled your hair, wore a white crop top, green blazer, white converses and blue skinny jeans. 

You had arrived there and as the boys came onto the stage Taylor looked in your direction. Both of you locked eyes for at least 30 seconds. "Looks like your making friends" y/f/n said. For the rest of the show you and Taylor kept making eye contact as he bit his lip and kept smirking at you. 

Finally the show ended and it was time to meet them. You  slowly approached Taylor. " Hey girl" "Hi". He took your phone and you took a selfie with him. Just as you are about to leave but he slipped a note in your pocket.

Here's my number baby girl


Nash: You were walking your dog through the park, strolling as you admired the colo that the sky made while the sunset. Suddenly your dog was jerking in his leash, trying to run to something. You see another dog and its owner. Nash Grier. He was the one that was just a normal boy in your high school until he became famous on Vine. Because you were so distracted, your dog jerked you onto the floorl eaving you with a bruise .Nash ran to you and help you up. "Thanks". You muttered as your cheeks heated up. " Don't worry y/n" He said as he sat you down. From there on you two kept talking.

Carter: You sat there laughing your head of looking at Carter annoy his mother again "CARTAH STOOOP!!!". You kept laughing and went on to the next Vine. " Follow me, I'm doing a followback friday". Instantly you went on Twitter and re-followed him. Suddenly he followed back. You screamed with joy as he sent you a private message. "Hey girl, couldn't help but notice how pretty you are". You screamed even louder. You and Carter kept talking, unti you had the chance to eventually meet him at Magcon.

Matthew: Chemistry. Yaaay! Not!. You slowly strolled to your lesson and sat in your normal seat. " Afternoon students, Today we welcome a new student and his name is Mathew Lee Espinosa." Damn, he looked hot. You gazed at his luscious lips and his perfectly quiffed hair. You were so busy staring that you didn't notice he was coming to sit next to you. You quickly brushed up your hair and sat up smiling, trying to look cute. He slipped in to the seat next to you, brushing up against your bag. HE SMELLED SO NICE! "Hey pretty lady". From there on. It was LOVE.

Cameron: You were Shawn Mendes's sister and Shawn had recently just gone to Magcon. Because his birthday was coming, you decide to suprise him. You boarded the plane and sat near the window. You were wondering how the boys might look at you have never seen them but had only heard their names. The plane had landed and you took a taxi towards the hotel that Shawn was staying in. You approached his room and knocked on the door lightly. Shawn opened the door. "Y/N!, what are you doing here!". "I came to suprise you and I thought that we can celebrate your birthday together". "Oh, thank you Y/n!". You and Shawn sat and talked until a hot boy entered the room. "Y/N this is Cameron, Cameron this is Y/N". From there on your world changed.

Shawn: You were super excited about meeting Austin Mahone as you arrived at his concert. It was great all throughout the concert, but your night got better when a suprise act came on. His name was Shawn Mendes. Never in your life had you seen someone so good looking, as he sang you tried to catch his attention and he Finally did as you waved your hands up and down in the air like a monkey.  He pulled you onto the stage and asked your name, then he dedicated his next song to you. It was One Direction - Kiss You. After the performance Shawn slipped something in his hand.

For a special girl-  *Number* XOXO

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