The Movie You Watch Together

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Matthew: Pitch Perfect. You two sing as if your actually in the movie.

Taylor: The Other Woman. Purely because he loves Kate Upton and Nicki Minaj.

Nash: Mean Girls. He soo hates the plastics.

Jacob: The Purge. Only because he's able to cuddle you tightly.

Hayes: Lion King. Because it has one of the most heart dropping scenes in history.

Shawn: Titanic. Purely because both your hearts will go on.

Aaron: Toy Story, makes the both of you smile soo brightly.

Cameron: The Notebook. Both of you are true romantics at heart.

Jack J: Percy Jackson. You two love anything to do with mythical creatures.

Carter: Frozen. He knows all the words to all the songs. He just has to let it go.

Jack G: The Hunger Games. You both love the enthusiasm and adrenaline that it gives you.

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