The Type of Dad He is

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Shawn: The fun Dad. Whether it's dressing up as batman or commencing a tea party. Shawn is always ready to do anything fun with his children. He always wants to have the best time with them and he's willing to do anything that makes them happy.

Hayes: The Stay at Home dad. Hayes prefers to stay at home and read to his children or build forts rather than go out. He probably stay at home more than you do. The main thing for him is that he's around his children and the best place is home.

Carter: The loving Dad. He loves hes children soo much. He'll do anything to make sure that his children are happy and smiling. He always makes sure to tell them he loves them and is always willing to show affection.

Jacob: The Carefree Dad. You wouldn't exactly call him lazy but you would say that he was laidback. He doesn't really preasure his kids into anything or worry about them toooo much because he trusted them. He trusted them soo much that he wasn't worried about things. But he always had his ways of showing them his love.

Nash: The Protective Dad. Nash has always been protective over things he loves. Especially his children. He would never want them to be hurt, or sad or anything that doesn't make them feel happy. He always makes sure that they are protected in the right way.

Aaron: The Forever Smiling Dad. The chances that his children have never seen him sad are very high. Aaaron beleives that positivity is highly important in raising up a child and it really is. Aaron is always able to keep smiing so that his children are always smiling too. Including you.

Jack J: The Embarassing Dad. I guess you could say that his kids always saw him as weird but he always wanted his children to have a little bit of agonizing fun. Such as doing things like, dancing during the Spring Prom, wearing a onesie to drop them of, strange singing during car trips. Anything to liven up the atmosphere.

Jack G: The Modern Dad. He's the total opposite of a 'traditional' father. Jack is always able to relate to his kids because he has taught himself to grow with his childrens curtrent generation. This improves his communication skills and makes him a better father. He's always in fashion, learning trends, anything to be able to get himself involved.

Matthew: The Involved Dad. Matthew always makes sure to get involved with what his children are doing because he wants to be with them 24/7. He didn't want to force his children into doing things, so he decided that getting involved in their activities would make him a better dad, and it certainly did.

Cameron: The Role Model Dad. The thing about Cameron is that people look up to him, especially his children. Cameron is always doing good things, being responsible, teaching his children the correct things in life, always being optimistic. Overall Cameron is able to show his children how to be an exeptional role model in society and it works.

Taylor: Calm. Let's say that Taylor does not really wear the pants in the house when it comes to the rules. He's the calm dad. Whenever your children misbehave or show any form of negative attitude Taylor brushes it off. He beleives that parents who are too strict create fear in their children instead of trust, and that's all he wasnts from his Children. Trust.

A/N I'm not actually sure if there's a point in writing this cos no one really comments and I understand Magcon is not together anymore. I guess that's why I've been soooooo lazy lately cos dont think people even read this. But its given me something to do. Soooooo (drum roll pls) I'd like to open a space for a co writer. The way things are going I feel like I'm just writing for myself and so maybe starting a new story with another person might be cool, so just send something into my Inbox (I feel lyk im gonna get no responses but oh well)
Also If anyone wants an imagine for any celeb, I'll do it.
Peace, Love, Waterbugs.

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