Chapter 17 - Grab and Go

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( I would just like to say I love all yall. My wonderful fans and friends. You guys are the ones that make me get up in the morning and say "I'm going to write today.". I hope that once I finish this book yall will still read my other books. I work hard for yall, all I hope is that you love it.)


    "Max! Max I are you okay?! Max!", I lifted Max to see her face. She was burning up and out cold. I had to get her to the hospital, but how do I get to the flock. I need to get to the hospital then I will call them and tell them where I'm at.

    "Why is my life so dificult?" I whispered as I ran more into the park then flew into the sky. It is hard to fly when you are caring a 15 year old. The air stung my face as I flew. Then something hit me.

Where the heck is a hospital?!

      It is not like i could go ask or call anyone. I bet if people could see me right now they would say, "What an idiot" or something like that. When I thought all hope was lost till in the very end of the town was a hospital. Perfect.

  When I got to the door I bursted inside and got straight to the counter, "You have to help her. She passed out and wont wake up. Her temp is throught the roof."

     The woman at the desk pushed a button and in an instent the doctor bursted through with a hospital bed, "Here put her on this and we will get her in a room."

  I layed her gentle on the bed and let them take her away. I needed to call the others and tell them where I was, "Ma'am do you have a phone I can use to call someone?"

  The nurse handed me a desk phone and I called the hotel Iggy was at.

 "Hello this is the Holiday Inn. How can we help you?"

"Yes I am look for the people in room 307 please." the phone line was silent for a minute. Then I heard a familer voice, "Hello?"

 "Yo Iggy its Fang. You need to get to the hospital at the end of town. Ma is hurt, but she remembers us. You need to gather everyone and quick."


After awhile they let me in to see Max. She was still out cold when I got there. Pulling up a chair to her bed, I grabbed her hand and just sat there. Watch her stomach rise an fall. Studing the details of her face. She was pale, very pale, but her lips were still a rose pink.

  "Sir there are some people out here wanting to see you." a nurse popped in.

   Letting go of Max's hand I moved to the door, see Iggy and the gang. Iggy looked at me,"Is she okay?"

  "They don't know." Just as I told him Angel tried to get in the room as she screamed, "Max!"

     Grabbing her, I picked her up smiling, "You need to be quiet, okay. People are sleeping." I looked at Ratchett, "Where is Star and Kate?"

  "They left. We can't find them anywhere." Ratchett told me.

  "Well we can go look for them later. Right now lets let Angel see Max."

We walked into the room and Angel sat in the my lap while I sat in the same spot. Angel touched her hand. Then she pulled back and baried her head into my chest, "I want Max to get better."

"I do too sweatheart." Oh Max please wake up.

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