Chapter 9 - Don't Shoot

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Okay guys so I have been thinking, and with that I know have of you just ran away screaming, "OH NO! SHE IS THINKING!!!!!!" like my mom does. But not to worry you are okay. Now I have been thinking "she repeats with dramatic affect,) that I should give you guys, my wonderful fans, my amegos, my comrades, a better story than thi. So without another secound I a never writing in this again. If you will please scroll asot more I will tell you why.


I would never stop this book. Now lets read on shall we.


 "Why have you not done anything yet?" J.J asked the man ask he just sat there, his gun in pointed in between J.J and I so if we moe it will be easy to shot.

 The man grinned," I am not here to rob you, but to shot you. I have always wanted to know the felling of killing somebody, and today is my chance."

J.J broke," Please don't shoot me!"

 "I am not going to shoot you", he pointed the gun at me, "I'm going to shoot her."

My mouth spat out a gasp. I can't die. I had just made it out of another accident. What will my father think? Will he cry? He doesn't seem like the cring type.

"You can't shoot me. My father would sew you for everything you own." I blufed

"Good luck with that." the man laughed. Making cchills go daown my spin.

He then started to push on the trigger. I could already feel it go through my chest. When suddenly in a flash something slammed into him. It was a boy. Ahandsome boy. He was dressed in black from head to toe. He looked at me then at the ceiling,"Come down Iggy and get everyone out."

  At that moment another boy with strawberry blounde hair flew down,and started getting people out. The police then rushed in a grabbed the man and took  him to the cop car. When almost everybody was gone the black haired boy walmed towards me. I an instent he grbbed my chin and put his lips on mine.

I hope you like the chapter. SO see yiou later.

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