Chapter 15 - Must I always save the day

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  • Dedicated to All my fans

(May I just say I love you guys! I found out when I got on here that at the very moment I am writing this I have 1,014 veiws. You guys have helped out sooo much so give yourself a pat on the back. My fans are so great and I hope you keep reading.)


     I'm starting to think walking by myself was a bad idea. I'm used to walking around with millions of different sounds around me. Now it is just plain quiet, and I hate it. They say if you walk without noise you start getting closer to nature. All I have to say is that the last time I got close to nature, I was sleeping in a tree.

"HELP!" a voice cried.

  "Where the heck is that coming from?" I whispered to myself.

"HELP ME!!!" there it is again, but I can't tell where it's coming from.

Then the voice comes to my memory," Max."

   I start running in a random direction, hoping it was the right way,"HELP!", went the voice again and I knew it had to be this way. My feet barly hit the pavement as I ran towards the voice. After afew minutes the I didn't hear Max's voice, but at that time I didn't need it.

  I bent down putting my hands on my knees, catching my breath. When I turned to the side, where a dark alley was, there was Max lieing on the ground passed out as erasers circled her.

   "Oh wow! When did you guys get out of the loney bin. Because last time I checked you guy were alittle bit itiotic." I said calmly as I walked to the alley.

   The beast looked up at me and dash. One went for my gut. I dodged it , but went straight in a kick to the back. I fell to the ground giving a yelp of pain. I kicked backwards nailing someone, hopefuly.

   Wait, wasn't there more afew minutes ago? We went from 20 to like 5. What the heck happened? Max was still on the ground, so no one took her. The main eraser started after me when he got a call on his earpiece. He stared at me for a minute then said," Your lucky this time."

    As they flew away I ran to Max and picked her up,"Max wake up. Come on you can do it. I know you can here me. It's me Fang."

  Afew minutes went by till Max's eyes flatter open , "Fang what happened?"

A smile grew on my face," I saved the day again."


(so hope you liked it. This is deticated to all my fans. Love you guys!)


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