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Disclaimer: This chapter is written VERY differently to the rest of the book. I really wanted to address Kirishima's past and the trauma associated with it because of a personal dislike for when writers allude to trauma but don't elaborate. I've added this because I felt like it didn't quite fit in to the planned ending, which was written three years ago.

I was 15 when I first started writing this book. I'm 18 now, and it sure has been a journey. To anyone who's been here since the beginning, or for a while, thank you. Your support means more than you could know.

If you're being abused, or you think someone you know is, call this number: 0800 1111 (UK Childline number) or 1-800-422-4453 (American SPCC). If you live in another country, you can look up "child abuse hotline [country of residence]. Stay safe everyone.

It took Kirishima two months to open up to Bakugo about his past, and all the baggage that came with it.

Bakugo had, of course, apologised (in his own way) for his aversion to having a soulmate, saying how he couldn't see the realism of being able to balance a Hero's life and having a partner. And Kirishima got it, and Kirishima has forgiven him, because he got it. He couldn't imagine dating someone and constantly fearing for them because of his personal status, which is sort of where Bakugo was coming from. Sure, Kirishima is definitely going to be afraid if Bakugo doesn't reply to a text after patrol, or doesn't immediately call him after a battle, but at least he has the comfort of knowing that Bakugo is perfectly capable of looking after himself.

Now the holidays were fast approaching, everyone making plans to go home, see their parents and extended family, talking about familial traditions, whilst Kirishima smiled and made affirming noises when appropriate, dreading having to go home.

Bakugo, of course, saw Kirishima's rapid change in behaviour, and dragged him away one lunch despite the shouted protests of Kaminari and Mina, who had been challenging Kirishima into a 2v1 arm wrestle. Bakugo's grip was tight, like he thought Kirishima might try to run. They left the canteen and their friends' catcalls behind, trekking down empty hallways, their footsteps echoing slightly in the silence. Neither of them spoke.

Honestly, Kirishima was hoping Bakugo was taking him somewhere for a makeout session. The distraction would be a welcome one.

He was disappointed, and somewhat relieved, oddly enough, when Bakugo rounded a corner, pulling Kirishima along with him and stopped, shoving him against a wall and growling "Talk."

Kirishima chuckled nervously, rubbing at his neck. "What do you mean?"

Clearly, Bakugo wasn't in a mood to take any shit, because his lips curled into a snarl, hands balling into fists. "Don't make me punch you, Shitty Hair."

Half-hearted chuckles trailed off, and Kirishima stared at Bakugo, studying him. Could he say it? How would Bakugo react, knowing his soulmate was really this weak? So fragile he couldn't even face seeing his own father?

"I..." Words failed him, so Kirishima swallowed and tried again. "I can't."

Bakugo scoffed, but it didn't sound dismissive. There was a tinge of...something, in his voice, and it plucked at Kirishima's heart. Soft, like he knew that whatever was eating at Kirishima would take some probing to reveal itself. "Like hell you can't. Tell me why you look all constipated, Eijiro."

After a pause, Kirishima pursed his lips. "It's complicated, Katsuki," he ended up saying, trailing his pinky over his forearm. He noted how Bakugo's eyes flickered down to his own arm, and how his shoulders shook with a small shiver.

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