Day 5

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"You know what I am so done with?" Kaminari groaned, shifting his schoolbag to his other shoulder as they walked, his eyes glued to the floor as his feet danced over the tiles, childishly trying not to tread on any cracks. Mina, obviously, was doing the same, succeeding a significant amount more than her friend. Sero and Kirishima were watching with bemusement whilst Bakugo trudged beside the red-head, a scowl adorning his features as he deliberately looked at no one.

"What?" Sero asked, nudging Kaminari. The blond shrieked overdramtically and his balance shifted, tip of his sneaker touching the line between slates. He quickly hopped to the side, shooting his snickering classmate a glare.

After a moment, he went back to his ridiculous activity. "School," he answered grumpily. "I'm done with school."

Kirishima laughed. "Bro, you signed up to go here. You should've known what you were getting into."

Kaminari threw his arms into the air, astonishingly keeping the balls of his feet between the cracks. Mina, with her heightened agility, was having no problems and was keeping a few meters in front of the rest of the group. "Yeah, but I came here to be a hero! Not to learn about math, and history..."

"It's still school, Kami," Kirishima said. "Just be glad we still get to do all the hero stuff! For me, that makes it all worth it."

Kaminari stopped for a moment, holding his gaze on Kirishima, then rolled his eyes. "You're so pure, Kirishima."

Frowning, Kirishima blinked. "What does that mean?"

Simply shrugging, Kaminari abandoned his game and sped up to catch up with Sero and Mina. Kirishima noticed Bakugo had stopped too, and Kirishima grinned. "You waiting for me?"

Bakugo scowled, his face clouding over as Kirishima fell into step beside him. Bakugo muttered something, and Kirishima tilted his head, wondering if he heard what he thought he did. "What d'you say?" he asked, trying to supress the smile.

"I said are you any good at video games, Shitty Hair?" Bakugo growled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Video games, with Bakugo? "I don't know, bro. Why don't you challenge me and find out?" Kirishima teased, watching the glint in the blond's eye intensify. Kirishima knew the number one way to get Bakugo to do something was to challenge him, even if Bakugo did initiate it first.

"Oh, you're fucking on, Shitty-"

"Video games?" Kaminari called, his selective hearing picking up on his favorite words.

Kirishima laughed. "Yeah, bro. I'm gonna thrash Bakugo. Wanna join?"

Kaminari ignored Bakugo's warning snarl, gesturing for them to join him. Or was he just gesturing to Kirishima? "Yeah! Hey, I just got a load of new games, why don't you come down to mine and Sero's room?" He lowers his voice, eyes furtively darting up and down the hallway. "He's got Smash Bros."

Kirishima split a grin at the same time as Mina squealed. "Oh, no. I suck at Smash Bros!" she cried, but her eyes were sparkling.

Sero's face lit up. "Well, I've been practising!" he grinned, quickening his pace. "Maybe now I'll be able to beat Kirishima!" Everyone hurried to keep up with him, and Kirishima couldn't help but glance at Bakugo. Surprisingly, he didn't look annoyed. In fact, he hadn't said an angry remark to anyone throughout this whole conversation, which was a surprise, albeit a pleasant one.

"Meet in our room at six!" Kaminari saluted to Mina, Bakugo and Kirishima. "That way we can get our homework done and stuff."

After a moment, Mina leapt ahead and spun so she was walking backwards, facing them. "What kind of games should we play?"

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