Day 14

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It was past midnight. Everyone was asleep, including Bakugo, who Kirishima was only able to stare at (respectfully, of course, and with adoration and awe) in the faint light cast by the rising moon, filtered through open curtains that neither of them had wanted to close, however many hours earlier.

Last night had been...emotional. Kirishima didn't cry! So not that kind of emotional, but there was some yelling, an occasion where Bakugo practically jumped Kirishima and pressed their lips together so hard Kirishima thought he might be about to pass out (that happened more than once, both by and to Kirishima) until they lay down on the bed, curled into each other's bodies, slowly drifting off to sleep in the gentle, quiet atmosphere of Kirishima's room.

At least, they were, until Bakugo irritatedly pointed out that Kirishima was drawing on his arm out of habit and it tickled and he couldn't get some "damn shuteye", which snapped Kirishima out of the drowsy state he had been falling into. Hence, the staring.

Bakugo was really pretty. Kirishima knew this, obviously, but being able to gaze at him without the axe of being caught hanging over his neck, Kirishima could really enjoy it. There was a softness that came over his features when he was asleep that just wasn't present during waking hours. The lunar rays were just enough to see how his relaxed eyebrows made him look so much softer, soft lips and long lashes brushing his cheeks. There were freckles on those cheeks, Kirishima knew, so light you wouldn't even know they were there if you had never been eye to eye with them. He wondered if it would be overkill to count them.

No, he reasoned. Nothing would be overkill when it came to Bakugo. Besides, if it gave him an excuse to be touching Bakugo, to be able to freely touch without judgement (well, maybe a little bit of judgement) then Kirishima would be a fool not to take advantage of it.

At first, they had started off with just their legs intertwined, foreheads almost touching, but at some point Bakugo had shifted. Now, Kirishima was enveloped in his...boyfriend's? soulmate's? arms, with his own tucked in between their chests. It was as if Bakugo knew Kirishima needed to be held, needed to feel safe.

Still, Kirishima couldn't help feeling like they hadn't addressed The Issue, as his mind had dubbed it. The Issue being that Bakugo really, truly had just ignored Kirishima's existence for 16 years.

But it could wait. He had finally found his soulmate, and it was his best friend, and right now everything was perfect.

He squeezed a hand out from where it was trapped to brush away a strand of blond hair from Bakugo's forehead, and smiled when he saw Bakugo's eyebrows twitch and felt him move into the touch.

14 days had led to this. 16 years versus 14 days. Kirishima would take that trade any day.


"You think you two are subtle?" Kirishima frowned, narrowing his eyes. Kaminari had dragged Kirishima aside just as he had gone to sit down for breakfast with Bakugo ruining his plans of romanticising his boyfriend.


"Oh, please. Shoji came down last night looking traumatised. Koda had to bring down his bunny and- did you know he has a snake too?" Kaminari looked thoughtful, as if he had just told Kirishima some enlightening fact that should change his life, or something. Or maybe he was just trying to ignore the holes that Bakugo was boring into his skull. Everyone was lucky that Bakugo's Quirk wasn't, like, lazer vision or something. At least his explosions were limited to his hands.

"I didn't, but...what do you mean?"

"Everyone could hear you two banging-"

Kirishima gaped. "We were not-" he stressed, raising his hands, face hot.

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