Day 7

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"That's it!" Mina exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air dramatically as she slumped to the side, draping her body over Asui and Uraraka. There was a movie playing in the background, the subtitles displayed in text far too small for anyone to actually be able to see.

Now, usually the class didn't bother with the subtitles - the speakers on the television worked perfectly fine and didn't tend to hinder the sound quality, but today was different. The vibrations rattled through Kirishima's whole body, and it felt like, with every single jolt, that a part of his soul was separating and imploding on itself.

Everyone had a matching irritated expression on their faces as the jackhammers whirred away, chipping away at whatever they needed to above them, as well as chipping at 1A's patience, "If I have to stay here and listen to that for one more minute, I'm going to go insane," Mina continued, screwing her eyes shut and groaning. The rest of the class murmured in agreement. Since none of them were allowed upstairs, everyone has gathered in the common room, even the ones who tended to stay by themselves.

Yaoyorozu took that moment to sit up, startling Todoroki, who had been half-asleep on her shoulder. "I have an idea!" she said excitedly, her eyes sparkling. "What if we can get permission to take a class trip off campus, to get dinner or something? I'm sure if one of the teachers accompany us, it'll be fine!"

A ripple of excited murmurs coursed through the group, and Kirishima noticed a few of them sit up a little straighter, previous grievances over the noise forgotten. He, of course, was one of them - after all, the racket was bothering him just as much as everyone else, and a trip out of UA sounded nice. It was only when Kirishima felt the sofa cushion he was sitting on shift, did he turn to see Bakugo getting to his feet.

"Bakugo? Where are you going?" he asked as the chatter from his friend's intensified, each one of them inputting their own suggestions on where to go to eat.

Bakugo didn't look back, preferring instead to storm over to the door and swing it open. "To train," he answered gruffly, taking a single step outside.

In an instant, Kirishima was off the couch, vaulting over it and chasing after the blond. "Wait, Bakugo! Aren't you coming to the dinner?"

Bakugo scoffed, glaring at Kirishima out of the corner of his eye. "What, with those fuckers? No fucking way."

Judging by the serious tone of his voice and the way his face was fixated in that distasted expression, Kirishima thought it unlikely that he'd change his mind. "Oh, okay...but bro, it won't be as fun without you, y'know."

"Tch." Bakugo went to take another step out, probably to go to a Training Hall rather than simply to the front yard, but Kirishima gave one last-ditch effort and grabbed onto his arm. Bakugo stopped dead in his tracks, frozen to the spot. Kirishima kept his hand locked in position.

"Bakugo, come on," he tried, attempting to sound manly despite the fact he was so obviously pleading. "Just this once. If it's really that bad, then-"


"-I'll let you...oh?" Kirishima blinked once, twice. His mouth formed a little 'O' and his eyes had widened in surprise, questioning whether or not he had heard what he assumed he just did.

Bakugo's eyes were narrowed, mouth tightened in a thin line and brows low over his upper lashes, but somehow, his whole demeanour was lacking it's usual passion. "I said fine, Shitty Hair."

The grin on the red-head's lips formed immediately. "Nice!"

Clicking his tongue, Bakugo turned to walk away again. "I'm still going to train. Dinner's not for another two hours or some shit."

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