Day 13

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Bakugo was everywhere.

Kirishima heard from Mina, who heard from Iida that Bakugo had slept on the sofa in the common room, which he felt terrible about. And since everyone in this godforsaken class seemed to thrive on gossip, by the end of first period everyone seemed to know, and kept shooting the red-head curious looks.

Of course, it didn't help that Kirishima looked like utter shit. He barely put any effort into his look, hair haphazardly spiked in uneven patches, tie resembling something similar to Midoriya's yet somehow more of a mess, shirt half tucked into his shirt and large bags framing his the underneath of his eyes. He really should have gotten some more sleep, but he spent the remainder of the night debating whether or not to run after Bakugo, tell him to come back, that he was sorry.

He didn't.

And it didn't help that all Kirishima could think when he would round a corner and see Bakugo, or would enter a room and Bakugo would be conversing with a teacher, or even just going into the bathroom to see Bakugo washing his hands at the sink, was that Bakugo must know. He had to know, that's why he was so grossed out when he woke up after his nightmare. The look on his was burned into the forefront of Kirishima's mind, branded on the inside of his eyelids so he saw it whenever he blinked.

It must also be the reason that whenever Kirishima would approach Bakugo, try to initiate any sort of greeting, Bakugo would move past him without touching him, head down, no rough shouldering or shoving, without a word exchanged.

It was like every almost-interaction tore a hole in Kirishima's heart.

Fifth period rolled around, Thursday hero class. An exhausting hour of hard training, and when Kirishima emerged from his long shower he saw that most of his classmates had left, with only Sero, Koda and-


Kirishima felt his heart tighten like a vice in his chest as he failed to catch the blond's eye, and moved to his locker. Pulling on his spare clothes, he made idle chatter with Kaminari who was gushing about some new shoes he wanted that he'd seen some celebrity wearing. The door leading to the hallway shut, and Kirishima deflated a little, disappointed he didn't have a chance, just one more chance to talk to Bakugo. Kaminari bid him goodbye, saying he should join him and Sero in playing Smash Bros later on, and then Kirishima was alone in the changing room. Or, at least, he though he was.

The sound of someone knocking their body against the metal of the locker doors startled Kirishima so much he had to physically stop himself from giving out an unmanly yelp.

"It's not...It wasn't you."

Kirishima pushed his locker door closed and there, on the other side of it, was Bakugo. It must have been Koda who left before Kaminari, not Bakugo. Kirishima felt bad that the animal lover had slipped so easily from his mind, but there was a more pressing matter at hand. "You're speaking to me?" Kirishima blurted, then cursed himself internally, then paused. "What wasn't me?"

A storm cloud had gathered above Bakugo's head, his expression thundery. "Forget it," he muttered, pushing off the surface and heading towards the exit, but Kirishima's hand had grabbed his forearm before either of them could even blink.

"No, Bakugo, wait." Finally, Kirishima could get out what he had been trying to all day. His free hand brushed agitatedly at his fringe, the red locks blocking his view slightly. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out with all this, because I figure you know since when I woke you up you were all grossed out or something and I know because it's weird, plus it's not exactly conventional since, well, I don't think I have a-"

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