Day 3

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The vague flurry of sensations caused by his dream scattered as soon as Kirishima regained consciousness, the vexatious blaring of his alarm rousing him. He groaned, stretching his arms high above his head as he did so, then kicked his duvet off and swung his legs off of the mattress.

Kirishima's feet touched the hardwood floor, and for a moment he was confused, some part of his brain expecting a softer surface. Blinking, Kirishima took in the open suitcase filled with clothes that weren't his, his en-suite door slid open and the sound of running water filling his ears.

Oh yeah, he remembered. Bakugo's staying here. Then his mind flashed back to last night as he pushed down on his alarm clock, wondering how he had gotten back to his room. He definitely didn't wake up, or at least he didn't recall waking up. Maybe he sleepwalked?

Bakugo emerged from the bathroom, dressed in his school uniform and missing his tie. He barely gave Kirishima a cursory glance as he picked up his school bag from his pile of belongings that hadn't moved from where he had dumped them the first night, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima called, just as the blond pulled open the door. He paused, waiting for Kirishima to continue. "I, did I get back to my room last night?"

There was a brief moment of silence in which Bakugo's shoulders hunched up and his fists curled. "Tch," was the only reply he gave before he was gone, the door slamming shut behind him.

Kirishima sighed, his gaze wondering to his clock. It took a moment for the time to settle into his mind, and then he started violently. "I'm gonna be late!"

He got changed in record time, messily styling his hair as best as he could before stuffing his school books into his rucksack and bolting out of the door, barely hearing it slam shut behind him. He ignored the elevator, taking the stairs two - no, three - at a time and crashed out of the otherside on the ground floor. Surprisingly enough, Mina stood there.

She was alone, casually munching on a slice of buttered toast as she surveyed his less-than-graceful entrance. "Hey!" Mina greeted, mouth still full of toast.

Kirishima blinked. "We're gonna be late, Mina! Come on!"

Rolling her eyes, Mina stuffed the rest of her food into her mouth and trudged after the panicking red-head. "Alright, alright, chill your beans. We've got plenty of time."


"Trust Mama Mina," she reprimanded jokingly, and Kirishima shut up. They headed out of the building, not having to worry about locking up since it was a private campus, and the only people who could get in were certain teachers and the students. Well, maybe they had to worry about a couple of the students, but...

Turning left after the short driveway (which was unneeded since none of them could drive) Mina laughed.

"Kiri, you were so adorable last night," she cooed, tickling her finger at his chin as he jerked his head away.

"What?" he asked quickly. "I was asleep!"

Mina swung her arms back and forth dramatically, speeding up a little. "Exactly. Who knew manly ol' Kirishima could look like such a little...bean!"

Faking offence, Kirishima sent her a death stare. "I'm not a...bean, Mina."

"Pft," she scorned, clearly not believing a word. "Tell that to Bakugo."

His feet abruptly no longer taking him any further, Kirishima made a sound - like a choke mixed with a half-scream. "Ba-Bakugo?" he stammered, flustered but unsure why. "What do you mean?"

Mina, who had also stopped and had turned around to look at Kirishima, gasped. "Oh my god," she breathed. "You don't remember."

"Remember?" he pressed, suddenly nervous. What had he done?

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