Day 1

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A knock at his door startled Kirishima, almost making him rip out his hair that he was so patiently trying to wash the solidified product out of.

"Yeah, one second!" he called, hurriedly washing his hands and wiping them on the little hand towel, rushing out of the en-suite and pausing at the door, running his palms over his clothes before opening the door.

Katsuki stood there, a bundle of his belongings in his arms, a suitcase beside him and a pissed-off scowl on his face. He wore loose joggers and a long-sleeved t-shirt, presumably his sleepwear, and Kirishima noticed a thin woven bracelet on his wrist.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima greeted warmly, stepping to the side to allow him room to enter.

"I can't believe it was my fucking room," Bakugo grumbled, dumping his stuff in the corner then dragging his suitcase in, shooting Kirishima and accusatory glare. "Our rooms are right fucking next to each other, why couldn't it have been yours?"

"Uh," Kirishima laughed unsurely, raising his hands in surrender. "I don't know, bro. Unfortunate circumstances?"

For a moment, Bakugo was quiet, then he clicked his tongue and turned away, scooping something up from the pile. "Where should I put this?" he asked, unrolling the futon and shaking it a bit. It was white and patterned with little criss-crossed diamonds. Kirishima wasn't sure what he had been expecting when Katsuki unrolled it; maybe a giant middle finger.

Trying not to snort at the image he had just conjured, he pointed at the area beside his bed. "If you put it down there then it'll be out of the way. You can even slide it under my bed during the day."

Bakugo hummed, aligning the mattress next to the bed with a surprising amount of adjusting being done before he was happy with it.

"Right!" Kirishima exclaimed, pulling his phone out of his pocket to check the time. "It's 8:32, and we've got sleepover things to do!" He padded over to a cupboard and pulled out a variety of snacks, ranging from sweets to crisps, even a couple of protein bars. "I wasn't sure what you liked," Kirishima admitted sheepishly at Bakugo's sceptical look. "So I just bought loads!" Kirishima quickly dropped the array of food by Bakugo's futon, then went back to the cupboard and pulled out three blankets. "And I promised blankets, bro."

Bakugo narrowed his eyes. "Why are there three of them? Don't tell me we're fucking sharing with someone else-"

"No!" Kirishima laughed, tossing him one.Bakugo caught it and looked surprised, running a finger over the material. "I just like having lots of blankets. Don't you?"

Shrugging, Bakugo slumped onto his futon with his back resting against the side of Kirishima's bed frame. "Tch. I guess, but my blankets aren't this..." he trailed off, and Kirishima noticed him clenching and unclenching his hand around the fabric, almost subconsciously.

"Fluffy?" Kirishima finished for him, jumping up onto his own mattress, grasping at the TV remote that powered the box he had set up on top of his dresser. "Yeah, bro. Fluffy blankets are the best."

Switching to the DVD setting, the screen flickered for a moment before showing the title screen for the movie Kirishima had chosen.

"Tell me, Bakugo," Kirishima said seriously, his stern tone of voice causing Bakugo to crane his neck to stare. "Have you ever seen Die Hard?"

Kirishima's intense gaze was met with a blank one, Bakugo's face showing no recognition. Kirishima gasped, curling his legs under him as he stabbed viciously at the play button. "Right then," he announced, his voice loud and presenter-like, Bakugo seemingly not impressed as he scoffed and turned back to the television screen. "You're in for a treat!"

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