Day 6

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"Kirishima, wake up! Bloody hell!"

Jerking upright with a start, Kirishima sucked in a great lungful of air, eyes darting furtively around the room before fixing themselves Kaminari, who stood above him with a bemused look on his features. "Wha...?" Kirishima mumbled, arching his back and wincing as he heard the joints click. What weird position did he sleep in this time?

Kaminari kicked not-so-lightly at his leg, which sparked the thought of 'Did I Sleep With A Blanket On?' He didn't remember being given one, and Kirishima had no idea where Sero would keep something like that. Still, he frowned at Kaminari, who was now rushing over to the wardrobe in the corner and yanking out a school shirt. Running water could be heard from the bathroom, too.

"Dude, you gotta get ready for school!" Kaminari hissed. "Everyone left, like, ten minutes ago!"

Kirishima blinked, letting the words seep in, before he started, jumping to his feet and rushing to the door. "Oh shit!" he said, opening it roughly and quickly adding "Thanks!" as he sprinted down the hallway.

Upon arriving at his own dorm room, Kirishima could see that Bakugo was lazily scrolling through his phone, fully dressed, with a bored expression on his face. He didn't even look up as Kirishima entered, just stayed slumped against the wall.

Not that Kirishima noticed. He beelined straight for his closet, pulling out his uniform and trying to tug off the clothes he slept in simultaneously. Somehow, he got dressed in under thirty seconds, heading to the bathroom and shoving a toothbrush in his mouth as he glanced into the mirror.

His hair was a mess, undoubtedly, and because he hadn't washed out any of his industrial gel each strand was sticking out at every angle imaginable. He groaned, raising his free hand to try and straighten them to no avail, and realised that the only way to look half-decent would be to wash it out.

A few minutes later he rushed out of the bathroom, hair down and dripping wet as he frantically searched for a towel. Only when something flew at his face did Kirishima stop and fully take in his surroundings. He saw Bakugo with his arm cocked but his hand empty, eyes narrowed in irritation.

His eyes-

Kirishima shook that thought away and held up the towel that had been thrown at him, flashing the blond a grin as he rubbed viciously at his hair.

"Thanks, bro," he said, tossing the damn material to the side as he dived for a brush.

Bakugo scoffed. "For what, Shitty Hair?"

Kirishima shrugged, putting the brush down and spinning around, eyes searching for his bag. He spotted it and scooped it up. "For waiting!"

Scowling, Bakugo headed for the door. "Yeah, well. If we don't fucking run we're gonna be late."

They were late, the bell ringing a few moments before they sprinted in, Kirishima hopping into his seat and tucking his bag under the desk as Bakugo slouched in his chair. Fortunately, Aizawa hadn't arrived yet, so the class sat patiently as they waited.

A few moments later, Kaminari skidded to a stop outside of the doorway, peering a head in and looking around. "He's not here!" he exclaimed incredulously, a grin lighting up his face. That grin was short-lived, however, because a hand clasped the teen's shoulder.

"Kaminari, that's a detention," Aizawa said bluntly. With the look on his friend's face, Kirishima couldn't help it - he laughed. As soon as the sound left his mouth, however, his teacher spun on him, hair starting to rise as his Quirk activated, but Kirishima noticed his scarf stayed snug around his neck. "You too, Kirishima," he snapped. 

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