Day 12

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"Stop it," Kirishima hissed as Mina nudged him for the hundredth time that lunch. So what if his eyes kept wandering to the top of Bakugo's head as the blond slumped over the table, headphones in after muttering something about not being able to deal with this bullshit. Because it was bullshit. Maybe not whatever Bakugo was thinking about, but the way his friends kept bothering him about it.

Another shoulder bump, and Kirishima scowled. "Seriously!"

He must have said it louder than intended, because Bakugo tilted his head and looked up from the table, eyes locking on to Kirishima's. "Jeez, Shitty Hair. What's up your ass?"

Fixing a grin onto his face, Kirishima beamed up at him. "Ah, nothing!" He awkwardly scratched at his neck as Bakugo kept his skeptical look centered on him, but eventually flicked his eyes away, clicking his tongue and muttering a hasty "Whatever."

If Bakugo saw the look Sero, Mina and Kaminari exchanged, he didn't show it, instead leaning backwards and tilting his head over the edge of the booth. Mina took that opportunity to knock her knee against Kirishima's with a sly grin.

Far too abruptly, Kirishima shot to his feet, hips slamming against the table with enough force to send Kaminari's drink toppling over and spilling across the table. With apologetic eyes, Kirishima excused himself and left the table, heading back to the classroom for some peace and quiet before lunch finished. Maybe he could sort out this torrent of emotions inside him.

He did like Bakugo, Kirishima knew that much. He liked the way he rubbed at his eyes when brushing his teeth, and the way he occasionally yelled at inanimate objects for not doing the things they were supposed to, and how, despite his barbed wire-esque exterior, some part of him did care for people, even if he had a twisted way of showing it.

The way he stared through Kirishima's happy exterior, but didn't make him feel exposed in the slightest.

The classroom, sure enough, was empty when Kirishima arrived. He reached his chair and collapsed into it, dropping his head onto the desk with a loud thud and groaning. The silence enveloped him like a gladly-embraced blanket, but it didn't last for more than a minute.

"The fuck's wrong with you today?"

"Ah?" Kirishima shot upright, startled, with enough force to rock his chair onto its back two legs, his momentum carrying him backwards and crashing to the floor. Of course, Kirishima was unharmed, his Quirk activating before his body collided with the tiles, but he was a little dazed. Blinking a few times, Kirishima regained his bearings, then glanced towards the doorway and saw Bakugo, leaning against the frame. "Oh, Bakugo!"

Bakugo wasn't impressed. "I asked you a question, Shitty Hair," he muttered, eyes flicking away, red flaring up around his ears. Kirishima had to blink a few times. Was Bakugo embarrassed?

He laughed quietly, voice echoing gently in the empty room as he clambered back to his feet and fixed his chair, sitting back in it. "I'm fine, man."

"Don't lie to me."

With his thumb anxiously rubbing over his forearm, suddenly painfully aware of how bare it was, Kirishima forced a smile, averting his eyes to stare down at his unadorned skin. "I'm not lying. I'm grand, really." There was silence, for a moment, and then the sound of a chair scraping across the floor startled Kirishima a little. He glanced up to see Bakugo glaring at him, a dusting of pink on his cheeks.

He was embarrassed.

"Look, Shitty Hair. I'm not fucking dumb, and your weird-ass mood is making those other idiots weird. I don't do this shit so either tell me what's up your ass or tell me to fuck off." Bakugo's nose scrunched up a little, and honestly it was cute and far too distracting, but Kirishima shook it off and turned his attention back to his arm.

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