Saved from the Snow

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"The cold is finally getting to me, huh..."

This whole time, the cold never bothered me. Hell, I was probably the most fortunate of the bunch. They all freeze their asses off in just the usual weather while I'm at least still toasty. Not like I can tough out snowstorms but sitting here now...

"Is this how they always felt? Was it always this chilly for them? Haha..."

I feel like...I've felt warmer days, to be honest. Somewhere. It definitely couldn't be in this frozen hell, obviously.

It had been quite the ruckus lately, especially around the coalition base on Olkari. The team had been settling there again, putting more plans into motion to better fortify their base now with their recent edge in the war. Pidge and Matt didn't miss the opportunity to use their time there to show their father around, as the whole city was basically a display of various mechanical and technological marvels. Despite the business, there wasn't that sense of tension from before. Despite the war still going, knowing that Zarkon, the most terrifying leader in the Galra, was dead, everyone felt like they could relax a little and cling better to their hopes.

With the next step against the Galra to discuss, the team walked into the bridge where they would be meeting with Allura and Lotor. However, seeing the Galra prince waiting so casually with the princess was quite an odd sight. And to think they previously saw him confined in a cell in the depths of the Castle.

"Look, it's Prince Lotor. Just hanging out on the bridge..." Lance exclaimed in bemusement.

"Guess this is a thing that's happening." Pidge blinked in surprise.

Since they were called for a meeting, Shiro got right to the point and asked what was it that he wanted to discuss.

"The death of my father has created a power vacuum within the Galra Empire. The most formidable Galra leaders will gather for what is called the Kral Zera sometime in the next two days to decide who is to ascend to the throne. We must be there." Lotor explained. He had always known that defeating Zarkon was never the final step, as this ceremony may make it all in vain if someone else were to continue the same ideology.

"So, you want us to fly you into the middle of a meeting with all the most powerful Galra leaders?" Lance sceptically asked though it didn't make any effort to hide it since it was pretty obvious that he didn't like Lotor very much.

"Lotor, we appreciate all that you've sacrificed, but this sounds far too dangerous," the princess would regrettably reply. She didn't want to sound ungrateful after all.

"We've been in more dangerous situations with much less to gain. Putting Lotor on the Galra throne is what we've been discussing." Shiro refuted.

"Yeah but no one told us that would mean flying into a war zone." Pidge raised a brow.

"We can't plan an operation this important so quickly." Allura reasoned, but it seemed that Shiro wasn't going to budge.

"We don't have a choice."

"I'm with Allura, we need time to think this over." Lance crossed his arms. He probably wasn't entirely against the plan, it was just the fact that it was so soon.

"Lance, this isn't your call." Shiro quickly shut down, taking the Cuban aback a little. "Allura, the coalition wouldn't be where it is right now without Lotor. We need to listen to him."

"We are listening. The issue is pulling it off. We can't possibly fly right into the lap of every powerful Galra general in the Empire with a half baked plan." Ashra sighed as she rested her hands on her hips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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