Guidance of the Lion

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The following night felt just a tad more lonely, now with one team member gone from the Castle. While proud of the path he had chosen, there was still that ever-present weight inside them that reminded them of the event. Of course, because of that feeling, most of them kept a worried eye out for Ashra after she returned to the bridge. They were all expecting her to look heartbroken or really gloomy, since her closest companion had taken off, but to their pleasant surprise, she had a soft smile plastered to her face. Of course there was still a sombre vibe to it, but there was a hopeful sparkle to her eyes.

When they asked her what they were talking about and how she was feeling after it, she simply shrugged and brushed it off with a smile, saying that they were merely having a proper, prolonged goodbye between them. She was masking it well, but they never would have sensed the awkwardness inside her, especially since she experienced something unbelievable with Keith. Her chest was still fluttering and bubbling with unrecognisable emotions she never felt before, so she hoped to sort that out soon before it got in the way of thinking during a mission or something.

The next morning, Pidge had woken up with big plans for herself. For a long while now, she had been using her spare time to look into Galra intel to find out where her father and brother where. She had found her very first solid lead all the way back when they rescued Slav from the Galra prison, finding footage of her brother breaking out of a prison with the help of rebel forces that didn't seem to be a part of the coalition just yet. She had traced as much information as she could, such as the identities of the rebel fighters in the video and details like their attire and the bombs used in the video. Now she had enough information to start a proper search, one that Shiro had approved with the hope that she was successful. After all, it was with her family that he went on the Kerberos mission with before being abducted.

"You sure you'll be fine out there, Pidge?" the wolf eared girl asked with a concerned smile, receiving a nod in response.

"Don't worry, I've prepared for this day ever since I got here."

"Well, not only are you a smart cookie, but you're a pretty nifty pilot, so I guess I shouldn't worry too much." Ashra shrugged in compliance, before she went into hug her for good luck. "Guess I'll be looking forward to meeting another human?"

"Yep! Guess so!" Pidge gave a cheerful grin as she adjusted her glasses, before being wished more luck by the others who were there to see her off as well. As she boarded her Green Lion, the group waved all the way until she was finally up in the air and high tailing it off Oklarion.

Some time had passed, that Ashra spent stirring in her own thoughts, dwelling on if she should possibly go to someone for help regarding her inner confusion. After all, she had lazed around in her room for almost an hour and the more she tried to figure it out for herself, the quicker her mind shifted to a blank slate. At this point, she felt like she needed to talk about it with someone to actually get somewhere, so she finally left her room to go and find the one person she knew would help in this situation. She started her search in the kitchen, thinking she could also grab a snack while she was at it. Hunk had just finished making milkshakes for everyone, with Lance in the room as well. He was chatting away with the young cook, something about the nostalgia of drinking a milkshake again but he soon turned his attention around to greet Ashra as she approached the counter.

"Oh, mornin'! Here, you gotta try these! We would drink these all the time back on Earth." he beamed before handing her a glass. The beverage was thick and cold, with cream and berries decorating the top for extra flavouring. She sniffed at it first before taking a sip, the sweet flavour and creamy texture sending a parade for her taste buds. A bright smile lit up on her face, though the cream from the milkshake was left behind on her upper lip like a moustache.

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