New Prey

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With escape being the only thing in their minds, the Castle of Lions made their hasty escape from a risky rescue mission in the heart of Zarkon's fleet, through an unfortunately corrupted wormhole, no thanks to the painful-to-deal-with witch, Haggar. Before anyone could get settled into the castle to voyage their way to safety, the Voltron lions all fell out from the ship's hangers and scattered across different points of the universe. With their lions briefly decommissioned after the intense fight against Galran fleets, the helpless Paladins could only shout desperately to no avail as they were flung away and stranded. Lance and Hunk seemed to have ended up on the same planet as well as Shiro and Pidge, who landed in a heap of garbage floating together amongst the vast space. Keith was the unlucky one, however, who ended up crashing on a planet alone.

Frantic toggles of his remotes got him nowhere, urging for his Lion to wake up already. Luckily the huge vessel was more than sturdy enough to crash into the surface without Keith getting hurt. The previously flashing alerts along the monitors and dashboards ceased as all functionality within the Lion seemed to have shut down entirely; this Lion definitely needed some rest.

"Guess that's it for you Red...Alright, you've done enough then." the Paladin sighed yet complied with the reality of his situation. He'd have to wait for the Lion to come back online but after such an intense battle, with the fiery teen being the only one to try and fight Zarkon head-on, he took quite the brunt of the damage. The Lion would probably need a long while to recover. In the meantime, Keith stood out of his chair to go and exit his vessel to see what kind of place he ended up in. Internally he hoped it wasn't too barren or dangerous of a planet, since time was of the essence here. He landed in quite the dusty terrain but he at least did spot a forest in the distance, meaning that at the very least, this planet will have some inhabitants.

Using his handy boosters embedded in his armour, he began scaling his Lion to get on higher ground to scope out the area. Finding any kind of town could count as a blessing but to his disappointment, nothing of note could be found. The place he landed in was empty of any civilisation, with no way to tell if there even was one on this planet, somewhere in the distance. That meant he couldn't find any help and would have to make do on his own. With a hefty sigh, Keith slowly made his way back down to re-enter his Lion for shelter when he heard some faint scratching noises down below.

Carefully leaning his head over to see what it was ended up being a big mistake, as a quadruped monster suddenly lunged up towards him. The Paladin narrowly threw himself back with a ragged gasp, looking over to see that some beasts had climbed up onto his vessel as it had snuffed out new prey. Readying his Bayard, he was prepared to attack before being pounced by one that was climbing up behind him. He tumbled forward and began falling off the edge of the Lion, unable to get his boosters running in time before he hit the ground with a heavy thud, hitting his head which had him dizzy for too long in such a crucial situation. From his vision he could see the figures of the beasts crawling up to spot him before making their way down towards him, prompting Keith to try and lift himself from the ground to counter them. However as he got to his hands and knees, he heard pained whimpers and cries from the creatures' direction. He looked up to see them focused on something else behind them, as the body of another one of their pack was thrown off the Lion. Something was there, picking off these beasts. Whether it was an even worse monster to face or someone rescuing him, Keith felt the rush to bring himself to his feet to see who this new arrival was.

Then poked out a head from the top of the Lion, scruffy ears twitching, before the figure moved upwards more to reveal itself to have a humanoid figure. The boy's eyes widened in disbelief as he began to process what was actually before his eyes; it looked like a human girl! His brain was stuck trying to comprehend how another human could even be all the way out here in space before it was violently shut out of his head upon watching the girl's arm begin to pulsate and expand. In an almost grotesque image, her arm split open with the gushing sounds of tearing flesh, growing larger and morphing into a completely different shape. It now resembled a monster of its own, with the gaping tear growing teeth to form a mouth and rigid scales bursting from the skin. It was sickening to watch and even comprehend, a monster attached to the arm of a human girl, as though it was sowed onto her like an unwilling doll. With a ringing chuckle, the girl thrust her 'arm' forward and the monstrous mouth latched onto one of the other quadruped creatures, chomping down on its flesh as it cried out in agony, before slamming it against another that was rushing to attack her. The two breeds of beast fought until, unsurprisingly, the pack was scared away, leaving the girl as the sole winner.

Pet Predator [ Voltron - Keith x OC ]Where stories live. Discover now