Loose in the Wild

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It had now been a short while since Ashra settled into the Castle, spending her efforts in taking the time to know some of the other people in the Castle. She generally floated around Keith since she felt more at ease with him but if the others expressed an interest in talking with her, her attention will gravitate towards them. She was still a little on edge whenever she was around the others, knowing full well she didn't fit in but she tried to let her carefree persona take the lead during conversations. If she had to guess aside from Keith, she felt that it was easier to talk to Hunk and Lance as they were a lot more open about themselves which made things easier for her. Pidge always rambled on about things Ashra had no clue about, especially when she hadn't spent a lot of time around functioning technology. Shiro was a little bit intimidating for her since granted, he was someone reliable to the team but such a demanding presence was something she just wasn't used to after the way she lived her life. He was still the one who made the most efforts in conversing and connecting with her since he sympathised with her experience against the Galra and were quite similar in that regard. When it came to the two Alteans, Allura and Coran, she still felt as though she wasn't vibing very well since both of them were very collected and conceited while Ashra was the equivalent of a dirty stray who still didn't know how to adjust.

While the others were happy to have Ashra on board, she did have...several issues. Having lived in a wasteland and fought to survive like a dog on the streets, she was completely lacking in manners, sensibility, proper hygiene and just her general way of operating. She really was like some wild wolf that now had to settle into a household, still learning the ropes of being domesticated. Living so long without the knowledge of being human-made her develop some feral habits comparable to an animal. It had an underlying sadness to it but it still wasn't something that couldn't be corrected over time. To discuss this issue, Allura had called out to Keith while the team was having a quick meeting, with the new girl not being present at the moment.

"Ashra seems to have settled with the team quite nicely so far, which is relieving. But there are still some...issues, that we need to handle with her." she began and already Keith knew what she was onto. He was no different from the others when they thought that she seriously needed to learn more about living like a human rather than a scavenger, so he gave a knowing glance and nodded. 

"Yeah, but I don't expect her to adapt right away. I'm sure over time she'll learn the ropes." he shrugged, wanting to give her a fair shot at fitting in. After all, he was the one who brought her here but it was precisely that reason why Allura had thought to address the issue to him.

"Look, I get that she lived a harsh life of survival but she's still human and doesn't even know how to act properly like one," Pidge interjected, hoping not to imply any offence. "We gotta at least put in more time into teaching her to adapt."

"You're talking about her as if she's some kind of animal," Keith replied, his tone stern from disbelief since he only really saw it as a few problematic habits from not adjusting properly.

"No one is saying she is but the truth is, she's had to live like one for years. She's got a new life here, so it's best for her to learn how to live knowing what she really is. A human." the Black Paladin stepped in to cool Keith down a bit and avoid any misunderstandings. It may be a hassle to deal with Ashra but it was even crueller to let her live while ignorant of the way she's supposed to act, especially when having to deal with the identity crisis of having been made to be a beast. Keith sighed and gave in, nodding in understanding.

"Precisely as they said. Which is why we figured it was best that you foresee that she adapts smoothly to her new life. Simply put, you're in charge of her." Allura finally continued on to the point she had been meaning to bring up, though the hotheaded teen flinched.

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