Loyalty of the Hound

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It was easy to think that the war was over after everything that had happened in that one moment. Zarkon fell and Voltron emerged victorious for all the solar systems to see; they were a hero and a beacon of hope with its rays spreading even wider than before. But that hope wasn't necessarily shared amongst its very Paladins, as Keith made yet another venture out into the desolate battle site, having small scraps of hope each time that maybe Shiro was out there...alive and trying to find his way back. He didn't want to give up, no matter what, however his time would always eventually be cut short for another mission.

Ever since that fateful battle, the Galran army were in disarray but still unyielding when it came to conquest. The Voltron Lions would be sent out to various sectors and liberate them from Galra occupancy. They were all quick, sweeping missions, given that the Galra had become a lot more disorganised and damaged, making them easy targets to slowly pick off. On this eventful mission, Ashra boarded with Lance and Hunk, who were also working alongside the Blade of Marmora in order to do a full reclamation of the skies and lands of this particular city.

"About 30 ticks to the drop zone. You ready, Ashra? Kolivan?" Lance announced excitedly, as he began approaching the ground. He enjoyed these types of thrilling and glory filled missions that it was obvious whenever he got over-excited about them. Within the bowels of the Blue Lion were the squad of Marmorans and the wolf teen.

"Affirmative." the leader replied, though beside him, hopping up and down in a giddy warm up, was Ashra.

"Nice day to take out my Araggon for some more exercise." she cockily remarked. Flying a ship was an experience but for her, nothing beat some old-fashioned close combat and rampaging. As they neared the drop zone, the Lion rumbled and shook from the attacks occurring outside.

"Hold on, evasive action underway!" Lance quickly interrupted, first having to take care of the ships tailing him and Hunk which were proving to be an annoyance. As they blasted and sped their way through the barricades of automated rifle posts, they flew over the city that was crawling with more soldiers and defences.

"Uh, I think we just passed the drop zone!" Hunk alerted, his glance quickly darting out the window.

"We're under heavy fire. There's no way we can stop here!" the Cuban pilot defended, knowing full well it would pose too much danger for the drop squad if they took a break from evading. "Kolivan, any ideas?"

"Open the hatch. We'll take it from here." he said confidently without a second thought. The panel below them slowly opened up, revealing the rapidly passing ground below. Kolivan ordered his men to quickly depart, along with Ashra who jumped out, whaling in excitement and joy for the action.

The group of Marmorans landed flawlessly on the ground and still maintained their speed towards the city, as the single female would prowl on all fours again to speed herself up. Having manners and being tamed was great and all, but it was still fun to act the beast on occasions like this. Really helped her blow off some steam and take her mind off the heavy things that plagued her outside of missions.

The soldiers stationed on the ground began firing away at them, though the dark clad warriors would dodge and jump effortlessly in evasion, slicing their blades once at close range in what could only be described as awesome and captivating to watch.

"Fighting with you Marmora ninjas kinda rules!" Ashra exclaimed merrily as she mutated her arm and lashed the Araggon out at soldiers before her, spinning and thrashing them against others. In the core of it all, she thrived on this kind of chaos and whether or not that was good or bad, she knew that she as going to use every asset of her battle field lunacy to do her friends proud and protect others.

Looking up every once and a while, she could see Lance and Hunk shaking off their flying pursuers, firing away like tearing through paper. Lance was a reckless but bold pilot, loving to get the lead on enemy ships by out staging them. Using the terrain around him to his advantage, he led a pack of ships towards a cliff before quickly pull up and run up it. All ships crashed but one, so he smirked in self satisfaction.

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