Pyrrhic Victory

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Weaving throughout the chaotic fleet of the Galra, elegantly wove the Black Lion, as Shiro piloted the vessel around the crowd of ships and cruisers to slowly chip away at their numbers and buy them some time. It was crazy for him to think that before, when they had struggled against a single cruiser back when they first found the Lions, that he would be able to carve his way through them like butter with his Lion's jaw blade. Despite how powerful the Lion was handling the army, it didn't change the fact that he was still overwhelmed and could slip up at any moment.

"I got Zarkon on the hook, bringing him your way! Keith, you ready? We've only got one shot at this." the Paladin asked with urgency. Meanwhile, Keith had already boarded a pod and was on his way towards the action. He engaged the cloaking device before speeding up into the fray.

"Moving toward the fleet now."

"Roger that. I can't see you but I'm locked onto your signal. I'll clear you a path." Shiro strained a confident smirk before pushing on his controls, flying ahead of Keith while barrelling the Lion throughout the onslaught of ships, chipping them away to leave a clear path for Keith as they made their way towards the main warship. Soon enough, the delivery was complete, and Keith reached a launching deck inside.

"Thanks Shiro. I'm coming in hot!" he shouted, bracing himself for the crash landing of his pod. As expected, he was greeted by sentries firing at him but he managed to cleave through them with his sword and snag a rifle for himself before making his way in deeper.

"The plan is working. Keith is on board and Zarkon's fleet is on the way." Allura updated the others, with everyone else on the bridge getting themselves ready for their parts.

"The Castle's defences are up and ready to go." Lance confirmed before receiving an update from Slav, who was handling the gravity generator for the teladuv. "Commencing cloak."

The chaos and fire show ensued outside, as Shiro continued to buy time. It had been just him, alone in the battle, yet somehow still managing which really put his status as the best pilot in the group to good light. It must have infuriated Zarkon to no ends, that his whole fleet couldn't even catch one flea. Slowly, Shiro was beginning to feel strained out, the sheet numbers of oncoming ships overwhelming him.

"I'm two minutes out, is everybody ready?"

"No, Keith hasn't made it to the hub yet. We need more time." Kolivan informed, much to the Paladin's dismay.

"How much more?"

"I hope not very much! My gravity generator is not going to run forever!" Slav chimed in with panic.

"Well I don't know how much longer I can hold Zarkon's fleet in this position by myself!" Shiro stressed, doing his best to power through the painful waves of enemies.

"You won't have to!" Pidge's voice rang in confidence before the other three Paladins rushed in to the rescue, crushing even more ships on their way as the fleet now had a formidable force of four Lions to deal with, however trailing behind them was a white fighter ship, spinning and shooting it's way through the fleet.

"Good timing." Shiro smiled in relief though he worriedly glanced at the new ship fighting alongside them. "Ashra, i-is that you in there? Are you sure you should be flying out here for your first time?" he frowned like a concerned father before hearing the girl's laughter ring through the comms.

"You kidding? I've been training for this! If I'm not gonna bust out my new skills now, then when will I?" Ashra smirked in a cocky gesture, thrusting her controls forward in confidence. She aced several levels on the simulator and had a perfection score of around 70%, definitely not as good as the Paladins but she figured it was good enough to get into a real fight. She boosted herself forward, dodging and weaving her way through the field of Galra ships, shooting with much better precision now than the first time she controlled a drone.

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