The Hunted

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The looming sight of Zarkon's ship before the measly Castle the team nestled in was quite the entrancing sight for Ashra, but a major alert for the others. With alarms blazing, they all pondered in panic as to how they were found out however Shiro commanded everyone to get to their stations in order to defend the palace and get to work on escaping. The lone wolf looked around in confusion as the group scattered to their respective seats, blinking in confusion before retreating over to Keith's side to watch as he began operating a fighter drone from outside. She still, however, couldn't take her eyes off the giant warship in front of them.

"So that's Zarkon huh?" she muttered and while Keith heard, he didn't answer since he was too busy focusing on controlling the drone. This meant he completely missed how intensely she stared and grinned to herself. "I wanna fight him...Why don't we just stay and take him on with that big robot of yours?" she asked, with this question, in particular, catching everyone's attention. Given that she met them after they had struggled against Zarkon once before, they were definitely quick to correct her misguided suggestion.

"There's no way we can take on his fleet AND him! Our only option is to escape!" Pidge responded as she quickly focused on pointing out the fighter jets that were gaining on them. Ashra grumbled to herself lowly but wasn't going to get mad about it like on Olkarion, so she just stood there and watched without much sense of urgency. "Lance, incoming! 12 o'clock high!"

"Got it!" Lance called back, positioning his fighter jet to the exact spot he was warned about before his drone was knocked away by Keith's who made the shots instead. "Hey!"

"Sorry, gotta be quick!" he excused before the Cuban teen bonked his drone against Keith's in challenge.

"How's that for quick!?"

"You...!" the two began bumping drones furiously before Shiro had to break them off.

"Knock it off you two! Stay in your zones!" he scolded, with Lance piling on in agreement since Keith was, in fact, breaking away from his zone out of haste. "Keep calling out those fighters, Pidge! Hunk, how are the defences holding?"

The big man in question tiredly rubbed his eyes to clear his eyes before trying to read what was on his screen, feeling the strain weigh further down into his eyes. "I dunno, fifteen percent? Ten? Everything's a blur! I've been up too long, I have tired eyes!"

"I know we just came off an intense battle but we gotta stay focused, just until we jump!"

"And when is that!?" Keith shouted in frustration but even Ashra could see as she looked to the sides that there were still some Galra jets close behind them, shooting away at the barrier outside. However, just then, the ship began to dive downwards on Allura's command.

"I've got an idea, hold on!" the Castle began to fly off to the side towards a nearby planet's moon, with the sudden dive pushing the Paladins back into their seats with the ashy female having to hold onto Keith's seat tightly. "I'm going to use this moon's gravity to put some distance between us and Zarkon!"

After a while of enduring the speed, Coran gave the princess the green light to create a wormhole. It was the first time Ashra had seen one so she stared in amazement as the Castle sank deep into the glowing blue void, the portal closing straight after they had entered. Figuratively they escaped however the alarms still sounded in the bridge.

"Why are those still flashing? Didn't we escape?" she asked before Coran looked into the problem.

"Oh no, the teludav's malfunctioned! We're about to leave this wormhole a lot sooner than we planned!" he informed, with the ship exiting out from the wormhole on cue, ending up in an area full of stray, floating icebergs. Everything was finally quiet, giving the team some time to catch their breath. Allura's breath ran softly ragged as she leaned on the control pedestal for support.

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