The Green Girl

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I was in big trouble this time! And I mean real trouble, not the I’m-late-on-a-school-day-night or I-broke-mum’s-favorite-vase type of trouble. No. This time it was the real thing with people with guns chasing after me. And let me tell you this: those weren’t water guns.

How I got mixed up in all of this?

It all started like a teenager’s movie: a girl moving to a new town and a new school, meeting with the bad boys and starting to hang around them. Not that they were that bad really; they were just a little… hmm… troubled?

But hey, where are my manners? I didn’t even introduce myself.

Hi!I’m Alissa but you can call me Alice. I’m seventeen years old and I moved here to live with my aunts Azalea, Flora and Rose. Yes, it was a long-standing tradition in our family – the Greens, to name the girls after flowers. My name comes from the alyssum flower which is derived from the Greek "against" combined with "madness", since it was believed to cure madness. A strange name for someone as nutty as me but…

Anyway, my story has nothing to do with my name.

It has to do with three boys, me picking up a new skill and… Oh, it’s a long story. Are you ready to hear it?

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