It's time to wake up

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Alice POV 

It's time to wake up, wake up, wake up...

My friend Skyler's terrible singing woke me up.

And then for some make up, make up, make up...

The recording went on.

I would usually say to make out, make out, make out...

I know it was a dumb alarm tone but he wasn't exactly sober when he recorded it.

But then you're gonna slap my mouth, my mouth, my mouth!

"I want to slap your mouth right now!" I groaned but of course he couldn't here me. He was all the way back in my home city.

I felt a bit nostalgic at the thought of that. That was until the annoying ringtone started playing again.

It's time to wake up, wake up, wake up...

I got up and turned my alarm off. It was time for my first day at the new school.


I hated being the new girl! Thanks to Elanor's three marriages and two engagements that never even made it to marriage we had moved around a lot. So I had been the new girl quite a few times. 

I sighed.

Well, time to face the music!

With that thought in mind I opened the classroom door and entered Homeroom.

"Hello, I'm Alissa Green," I introduced myself. Green was my mother's family name.

"Hello, Alissa Green! I'm your Homeroom teacher – Mrs. Allen. Please, take a seat!"

I did as I was told. I went to the back of the classroom. Yes, that meant that I had to move between the rows with my new classmates watching my every move but at least sitting there would make it harder for them to stare at me during the class itself.

Mrs. Allen furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

"Ms. Green, wouldn't you prefer a seat somewhere closer to the whiteboard?" She suggested.

"No, thank you! I'm fine here."

"Very well!" She answered a bit nervously.

What was she so worried about?

I didn't have time to ponder on it because the door opened and in came three extremely good-looking boys. The one that entered first I had seen before. It was Caden, the guy I'd met at the music store on Saturday.

Oh-oh! The guy I made a fool of myself in front of on Saturday!

Yep, just my luck!

And to make things even "better" they headed my way.

Caden sat to my left, the boy with the reddish-brown hair and green eyes behind me and the blond one with the brown eyes (who was the only one that greeted the teacher when they entered) sat to my right.

I noticed Mrs. Allen sneak anxious glances our way.

So that was it: I had sat down at the bad boys' area.

"Hello there, little Alice!" I heard a silken voice to my left.

"I told you I was older than you thought!"

"That you did." He chuckled quietly.

"Cade, you know her?" The blond asked from my right.

"We've met." Caden explained briefly.

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